- _curveChanged
void _curveChanged()
- _gradientChanged
void _gradientChanged()
- addPoint
void addPoint(Vector2 position, long at_position)
Adds a point at the position. Appends the point at the end of the line.
If at_position is given, the point is inserted before the point number at_position, moving that point (and every point after) after the inserted point. If at_position is not given, or is an illegal value (at_position < 0 or at_position >= $(D getPointCount)), the point will be appended at the end of the point list.
- clearPoints
void clearPoints()
Removes all points from the line.
- getAntialiased
bool getAntialiased()
- getBeginCapMode
Line2D.LineCapMode getBeginCapMode()
- getCurve
Ref!Curve getCurve()
- getDefaultColor
Color getDefaultColor()
- getEndCapMode
Line2D.LineCapMode getEndCapMode()
- getGradient
Ref!Gradient getGradient()
- getJointMode
Line2D.LineJointMode getJointMode()
- getPointCount
long getPointCount()
Returns the Line2D's amount of points.
- getPointPosition
Vector2 getPointPosition(long i)
Returns point i's position.
- getPoints
PoolVector2Array getPoints()
- getRoundPrecision
long getRoundPrecision()
- getSharpLimit
double getSharpLimit()
- getTexture
Ref!Texture getTexture()
- getTextureMode
Line2D.LineTextureMode getTextureMode()
- getWidth
double getWidth()
- opAssign
typeof(null) opAssign(typeof(null) n)
- opEquals
bool opEquals(Line2D other)
- opEquals
bool opEquals(typeof(null) n)
- removePoint
void removePoint(long i)
Removes the point at index i from the line.
- setAntialiased
void setAntialiased(bool antialiased)
- setBeginCapMode
void setBeginCapMode(long mode)
- setCurve
void setCurve(Curve curve)
- setDefaultColor
void setDefaultColor(Color color)
- setEndCapMode
void setEndCapMode(long mode)
- setGradient
void setGradient(Gradient color)
- setJointMode
void setJointMode(long mode)
- setPointPosition
void setPointPosition(long i, Vector2 position)
Overwrites the position in point i with the supplied position.
- setPoints
void setPoints(PoolVector2Array points)
- setRoundPrecision
void setRoundPrecision(long precision)
- setSharpLimit
void setSharpLimit(double limit)
- setTexture
void setTexture(Texture texture)
- setTextureMode
void setTextureMode(long mode)
- setWidth
void setWidth(double width)
- toHash
size_t toHash()
- antialiased
bool antialiased [@property getter]
bool antialiased [@property setter]
If true, the line's border will be anti-aliased.
- beginCapMode
Line2D.LineCapMode beginCapMode [@property getter]
long beginCapMode [@property setter]
Controls the style of the line's first point. Use linecapmode constants.
- defaultColor
Color defaultColor [@property getter]
Color defaultColor [@property setter]
The line's color. Will not be used if a gradient is set.
- endCapMode
Line2D.LineCapMode endCapMode [@property getter]
long endCapMode [@property setter]
Controls the style of the line's last point. Use linecapmode constants.
- gradient
Gradient gradient [@property getter]
Gradient gradient [@property setter]
The gradient is drawn through the whole line from start to finish. The default color will not be used if a gradient is set.
- jointMode
Line2D.LineJointMode jointMode [@property getter]
long jointMode [@property setter]
The style for the points between the start and the end.
- points
PoolVector2Array points [@property getter]
PoolVector2Array points [@property setter]
The points that form the lines. The line is drawn between every point set in this array. Points are interpreted as local vectors.
- roundPrecision
long roundPrecision [@property getter]
long roundPrecision [@property setter]
The smoothness of the rounded joints and caps. This is only used if a cap or joint is set as round.
- sharpLimit
double sharpLimit [@property getter]
double sharpLimit [@property setter]
The direction difference in radians between vector points. This value is only used if joint mode is set to constant LINE_JOINT_SHARP.
- texture
Texture texture [@property getter]
Texture texture [@property setter]
The texture used for the line's texture. Uses texture_mode for drawing style.
- textureMode
Line2D.LineTextureMode textureMode [@property getter]
long textureMode [@property setter]
The style to render the texture on the line. Use linetexturemode constants.
- width
double width [@property getter]
double width [@property setter]
- widthCurve
Curve widthCurve [@property getter]
Curve widthCurve [@property setter]
The line's width varies with the curve. The original width is simply multiply by the value of the Curve.
A 2D line.
A line through several points in 2D space. Note: By default, Godot can only draw up to 4,096 polygon points at a time. To increase this limit, open the Project Settings and increase ProjectSettings.rendering/limits/buffers/canvasPolygonBufferSizeKb and ProjectSettings.rendering/limits/buffers/canvasPolygonIndexBufferSizeKb.