Closes this data channel, notifying the other peer.
Returns the id assigned to this channel during creation (or auto-assigned during negotiation). If the channel is not negotiated out-of-band the id will only be available after the connection is established (will return 65535 until then).
Returns the label assigned to this channel during creation.
Returns the maxPacketLifeTime value assigned to this channel during creation. Will be 65535 if not specified.
Returns the maxRetransmits value assigned to this channel during creation. Will be 65535 if not specified.
Returns the sub-protocol assigned to this channel during creation. An empty string if not specified.
Returns the current state of this channel, see channelstate.
Returns true if this channel was created with out-of-band configuration.
Returns true if this channel was created with ordering enabled (default).
Reserved, but not used for now.
Returns true if the last received packet was transferred as text. See writeMode.
The transfer mode to use when sending outgoing packet. Either text or binary.
Construct a new instance of WebRTCDataChannel. Note: use memnew!WebRTCDataChannel instead.