1 module api.enums; 2 3 import godotutil.string; 4 import api.classes, api.util; 5 6 import asdf; 7 8 import std.range; 9 import std.algorithm.searching, std.algorithm.iteration, std.algorithm.sorting; 10 import std.path; 11 import std.conv : text; 12 import std.string; 13 14 string enumParent(string name) 15 { 16 return name.splitEnumName[0]; 17 } 18 19 /// splits the name of an enum as obtained from the JSON into [class, enum] names. 20 string[2] splitEnumName(string type) 21 { 22 string name = type[5..$]; 23 auto end = name.countUntil("::"); 24 if(end == -1) return [null, name]; // not a class 25 return [name[0..end], name[end+2..$]]; 26 } 27 28 /// format the enum type for D. 29 string qualifyEnumName(string type) 30 { 31 string[2] split = type.splitEnumName; 32 if(!split[0]) return split[1].escapeD; 33 return Type.get(split[0]).d~"."~split[1].escapeD; 34 } 35 36 struct GodotEnum 37 { 38 string name; 39 int[string] values; 40 41 @serializationIgnore: 42 GodotClass parent; 43 44 string[string] ddoc; 45 46 string source() const 47 { 48 string ret = "\t/// \n\tenum "~name.escapeD~" : int\n\t{\n"; 49 50 foreach(n; values.keys.sort!((a, b)=>(values[a] < values[b]))) 51 { 52 if(auto ptr = n in ddoc) ret ~= "\t\t/**\n\t\t" ~ (*ptr).replace("\n", "\n\t\t") ~ "\n\t\t*/\n"; 53 else ret ~= "\t\t/** */\n"; 54 ret ~= "\t\t"~n.snakeToCamel.escapeD~" = "~values[n].text~",\n"; 55 } 56 57 ret ~= "\t}\n"; 58 return ret; 59 } 60 } 61 62