1 /**
2 Type used to handle the filesystem.
4 Copyright:
5 Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.  
6 Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md)  
7 Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Godot-D contributors  
9 License: $(LINK2 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT, MIT License)
12 */
13 module godot.directory;
14 import std.meta : AliasSeq, staticIndexOf;
15 import std.traits : Unqual;
16 import godot.d.traits;
17 import godot.core;
18 import godot.c;
19 import godot.d.bind;
20 import godot.d.reference;
21 import godot.globalenums;
22 import godot.object;
23 import godot.classdb;
24 import godot.reference;
25 /**
26 Type used to handle the filesystem.
28 Directory type. It is used to manage directories and their content (not restricted to the project folder).
29 When creating a new $(D Directory), its default opened directory will be `res://`. This may change in the future, so it is advised to always use $(D open) to initialize your $(D Directory) where you want to operate, with explicit error checking.
30 $(B Note:) Many resources types are imported (e.g. textures or sound files), and their source asset will not be included in the exported game, as only the imported version is used. Use $(D ResourceLoader) to access imported resources.
31 Here is an example on how to iterate through the files of a directory:
34 func dir_contents(path):
35     var dir = Directory.new()
36     if dir.open(path) == OK:
37         dir.list_dir_begin()
38         var file_name = dir.get_next()
39         while file_name != "":
40             if dir.current_is_dir():
41                 print("Found directory: " + file_name)
42             else:
43                 print("Found file: " + file_name)
44             file_name = dir.get_next()
45     else:
46         print("An error occurred when trying to access the path.")
49 */
50 @GodotBaseClass struct Directory
51 {
52 	package(godot) enum string _GODOT_internal_name = "_Directory";
53 public:
54 @nogc nothrow:
55 	union { /** */ godot_object _godot_object; /** */ Reference _GODOT_base; }
56 	alias _GODOT_base this;
57 	alias BaseClasses = AliasSeq!(typeof(_GODOT_base), typeof(_GODOT_base).BaseClasses);
58 	package(godot) __gshared bool _classBindingInitialized = false;
59 	package(godot) static struct GDNativeClassBinding
60 	{
61 		__gshared:
62 		@GodotName("change_dir") GodotMethod!(GodotError, String) changeDir;
63 		@GodotName("copy") GodotMethod!(GodotError, String, String) copy;
64 		@GodotName("current_is_dir") GodotMethod!(bool) currentIsDir;
65 		@GodotName("dir_exists") GodotMethod!(bool, String) dirExists;
66 		@GodotName("file_exists") GodotMethod!(bool, String) fileExists;
67 		@GodotName("get_current_dir") GodotMethod!(String) getCurrentDir;
68 		@GodotName("get_current_drive") GodotMethod!(long) getCurrentDrive;
69 		@GodotName("get_drive") GodotMethod!(String, long) getDrive;
70 		@GodotName("get_drive_count") GodotMethod!(long) getDriveCount;
71 		@GodotName("get_next") GodotMethod!(String) getNext;
72 		@GodotName("get_space_left") GodotMethod!(long) getSpaceLeft;
73 		@GodotName("list_dir_begin") GodotMethod!(GodotError, bool, bool) listDirBegin;
74 		@GodotName("list_dir_end") GodotMethod!(void) listDirEnd;
75 		@GodotName("make_dir") GodotMethod!(GodotError, String) makeDir;
76 		@GodotName("make_dir_recursive") GodotMethod!(GodotError, String) makeDirRecursive;
77 		@GodotName("open") GodotMethod!(GodotError, String) open;
78 		@GodotName("remove") GodotMethod!(GodotError, String) remove;
79 		@GodotName("rename") GodotMethod!(GodotError, String, String) rename;
80 	}
81 	/// 
82 	pragma(inline, true) bool opEquals(in Directory other) const
83 	{ return _godot_object.ptr is other._godot_object.ptr; }
84 	/// 
85 	pragma(inline, true) typeof(null) opAssign(typeof(null) n)
86 	{ _godot_object.ptr = n; return null; }
87 	/// 
88 	pragma(inline, true) bool opEquals(typeof(null) n) const
89 	{ return _godot_object.ptr is n; }
90 	/// 
91 	size_t toHash() const @trusted { return cast(size_t)_godot_object.ptr; }
92 	mixin baseCasts;
93 	/// Construct a new instance of Directory.
94 	/// Note: use `memnew!Directory` instead.
95 	static Directory _new()
96 	{
97 		static godot_class_constructor constructor;
98 		if(constructor is null) constructor = _godot_api.godot_get_class_constructor("_Directory");
99 		if(constructor is null) return typeof(this).init;
100 		return cast(Directory)(constructor());
101 	}
102 	@disable new(size_t s);
103 	/**
104 	Changes the currently opened directory to the one passed as an argument. The argument can be relative to the current directory (e.g. `newdir` or `../newdir`), or an absolute path (e.g. `/tmp/newdir` or `res://somedir/newdir`).
105 	Returns one of the $(D error) code constants (`OK` on success).
106 	*/
107 	GodotError changeDir(in String todir)
108 	{
109 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
110 		return ptrcall!(GodotError)(GDNativeClassBinding.changeDir, _godot_object, todir);
111 	}
112 	/**
113 	Copies the `from` file to the `to` destination. Both arguments should be paths to files, either relative or absolute. If the destination file exists and is not access-protected, it will be overwritten.
114 	Returns one of the $(D error) code constants (`OK` on success).
115 	*/
116 	GodotError copy(in String from, in String to)
117 	{
118 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
119 		return ptrcall!(GodotError)(GDNativeClassBinding.copy, _godot_object, from, to);
120 	}
121 	/**
122 	Returns whether the current item processed with the last $(D getNext) call is a directory (`.` and `..` are considered directories).
123 	*/
124 	bool currentIsDir() const
125 	{
126 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
127 		return ptrcall!(bool)(GDNativeClassBinding.currentIsDir, _godot_object);
128 	}
129 	/**
130 	Returns whether the target directory exists. The argument can be relative to the current directory, or an absolute path.
131 	*/
132 	bool dirExists(in String path)
133 	{
134 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
135 		return ptrcall!(bool)(GDNativeClassBinding.dirExists, _godot_object, path);
136 	}
137 	/**
138 	Returns whether the target file exists. The argument can be relative to the current directory, or an absolute path.
139 	*/
140 	bool fileExists(in String path)
141 	{
142 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
143 		return ptrcall!(bool)(GDNativeClassBinding.fileExists, _godot_object, path);
144 	}
145 	/**
146 	Returns the absolute path to the currently opened directory (e.g. `res://folder` or `C:\tmp\folder`).
147 	*/
148 	String getCurrentDir()
149 	{
150 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
151 		return ptrcall!(String)(GDNativeClassBinding.getCurrentDir, _godot_object);
152 	}
153 	/**
154 	Returns the currently opened directory's drive index. See $(D getDrive) to convert returned index to the name of the drive.
155 	*/
156 	long getCurrentDrive()
157 	{
158 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
159 		return ptrcall!(long)(GDNativeClassBinding.getCurrentDrive, _godot_object);
160 	}
161 	/**
162 	On Windows, returns the name of the drive (partition) passed as an argument (e.g. `C:`). On other platforms, or if the requested drive does not exist, the method returns an empty String.
163 	*/
164 	String getDrive(in long idx)
165 	{
166 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
167 		return ptrcall!(String)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDrive, _godot_object, idx);
168 	}
169 	/**
170 	On Windows, returns the number of drives (partitions) mounted on the current filesystem. On other platforms, the method returns 0.
171 	*/
172 	long getDriveCount()
173 	{
174 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
175 		return ptrcall!(long)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDriveCount, _godot_object);
176 	}
177 	/**
178 	Returns the next element (file or directory) in the current directory (including `.` and `..`, unless `skip_navigational` was given to $(D listDirBegin)).
179 	The name of the file or directory is returned (and not its full path). Once the stream has been fully processed, the method returns an empty String and closes the stream automatically (i.e. $(D listDirEnd) would not be mandatory in such a case).
180 	*/
181 	String getNext()
182 	{
183 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
184 		return ptrcall!(String)(GDNativeClassBinding.getNext, _godot_object);
185 	}
186 	/**
187 	On UNIX desktop systems, returns the available space on the current directory's disk. On other platforms, this information is not available and the method returns 0 or -1.
188 	*/
189 	long getSpaceLeft()
190 	{
191 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
192 		return ptrcall!(long)(GDNativeClassBinding.getSpaceLeft, _godot_object);
193 	}
194 	/**
195 	Initializes the stream used to list all files and directories using the $(D getNext) function, closing the currently opened stream if needed. Once the stream has been processed, it should typically be closed with $(D listDirEnd).
196 	If `skip_navigational` is `true`, `.` and `..` are filtered out.
197 	If `skip_hidden` is `true`, hidden files are filtered out.
198 	*/
199 	GodotError listDirBegin(in bool skip_navigational = false, in bool skip_hidden = false)
200 	{
201 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
202 		return ptrcall!(GodotError)(GDNativeClassBinding.listDirBegin, _godot_object, skip_navigational, skip_hidden);
203 	}
204 	/**
205 	Closes the current stream opened with $(D listDirBegin) (whether it has been fully processed with $(D getNext) does not matter).
206 	*/
207 	void listDirEnd()
208 	{
209 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
210 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.listDirEnd, _godot_object);
211 	}
212 	/**
213 	Creates a directory. The argument can be relative to the current directory, or an absolute path. The target directory should be placed in an already existing directory (to create the full path recursively, see $(D makeDirRecursive)).
214 	Returns one of the $(D error) code constants (`OK` on success).
215 	*/
216 	GodotError makeDir(in String path)
217 	{
218 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
219 		return ptrcall!(GodotError)(GDNativeClassBinding.makeDir, _godot_object, path);
220 	}
221 	/**
222 	Creates a target directory and all necessary intermediate directories in its path, by calling $(D makeDir) recursively. The argument can be relative to the current directory, or an absolute path.
223 	Returns one of the $(D error) code constants (`OK` on success).
224 	*/
225 	GodotError makeDirRecursive(in String path)
226 	{
227 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
228 		return ptrcall!(GodotError)(GDNativeClassBinding.makeDirRecursive, _godot_object, path);
229 	}
230 	/**
231 	Opens an existing directory of the filesystem. The `path` argument can be within the project tree (`res://folder`), the user directory (`user://folder`) or an absolute path of the user filesystem (e.g. `/tmp/folder` or `C:\tmp\folder`).
232 	Returns one of the $(D error) code constants (`OK` on success).
233 	*/
234 	GodotError open(in String path)
235 	{
236 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
237 		return ptrcall!(GodotError)(GDNativeClassBinding.open, _godot_object, path);
238 	}
239 	/**
240 	Deletes the target file or an empty directory. The argument can be relative to the current directory, or an absolute path. If the target directory is not empty, the operation will fail.
241 	Returns one of the $(D error) code constants (`OK` on success).
242 	*/
243 	GodotError remove(in String path)
244 	{
245 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
246 		return ptrcall!(GodotError)(GDNativeClassBinding.remove, _godot_object, path);
247 	}
248 	/**
249 	Renames (move) the `from` file or directory to the `to` destination. Both arguments should be paths to files or directories, either relative or absolute. If the destination file or directory exists and is not access-protected, it will be overwritten.
250 	Returns one of the $(D error) code constants (`OK` on success).
251 	*/
252 	GodotError rename(in String from, in String to)
253 	{
254 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
255 		return ptrcall!(GodotError)(GDNativeClassBinding.rename, _godot_object, from, to);
256 	}
257 }