1 /**
2 Abstract base $(D Resource) for coloring and shading geometry.
4 Copyright:
5 Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.  
6 Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md)  
7 Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Godot-D contributors  
9 License: $(LINK2 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT, MIT License)
12 */
13 module godot.material;
14 import std.meta : AliasSeq, staticIndexOf;
15 import std.traits : Unqual;
16 import godot.d.traits;
17 import godot.core;
18 import godot.c;
19 import godot.d.bind;
20 import godot.d.reference;
21 import godot.globalenums;
22 import godot.object;
23 import godot.resource;
24 /**
25 Abstract base $(D Resource) for coloring and shading geometry.
27 Material is a base $(D Resource) used for coloring and shading geometry. All materials inherit from it and almost all $(D VisualInstance) derived nodes carry a Material. A few flags and parameters are shared between all material types and are configured here.
28 */
29 @GodotBaseClass struct Material
30 {
31 	package(godot) enum string _GODOT_internal_name = "Material";
32 public:
33 @nogc nothrow:
34 	union { /** */ godot_object _godot_object; /** */ Resource _GODOT_base; }
35 	alias _GODOT_base this;
36 	alias BaseClasses = AliasSeq!(typeof(_GODOT_base), typeof(_GODOT_base).BaseClasses);
37 	package(godot) __gshared bool _classBindingInitialized = false;
38 	package(godot) static struct GDNativeClassBinding
39 	{
40 		__gshared:
41 		@GodotName("get_next_pass") GodotMethod!(Material) getNextPass;
42 		@GodotName("get_render_priority") GodotMethod!(long) getRenderPriority;
43 		@GodotName("set_next_pass") GodotMethod!(void, Material) setNextPass;
44 		@GodotName("set_render_priority") GodotMethod!(void, long) setRenderPriority;
45 	}
46 	/// 
47 	pragma(inline, true) bool opEquals(in Material other) const
48 	{ return _godot_object.ptr is other._godot_object.ptr; }
49 	/// 
50 	pragma(inline, true) typeof(null) opAssign(typeof(null) n)
51 	{ _godot_object.ptr = n; return null; }
52 	/// 
53 	pragma(inline, true) bool opEquals(typeof(null) n) const
54 	{ return _godot_object.ptr is n; }
55 	/// 
56 	size_t toHash() const @trusted { return cast(size_t)_godot_object.ptr; }
57 	mixin baseCasts;
58 	/// Construct a new instance of Material.
59 	/// Note: use `memnew!Material` instead.
60 	static Material _new()
61 	{
62 		static godot_class_constructor constructor;
63 		if(constructor is null) constructor = _godot_api.godot_get_class_constructor("Material");
64 		if(constructor is null) return typeof(this).init;
65 		return cast(Material)(constructor());
66 	}
67 	@disable new(size_t s);
68 	/// 
69 	enum Constants : int
70 	{
71 		/**
72 		Minimum value for the $(D renderPriority) parameter.
73 		*/
74 		renderPriorityMin = -128,
75 		/**
76 		Maximum value for the $(D renderPriority) parameter.
77 		*/
78 		renderPriorityMax = 127,
79 	}
80 	/**
82 	*/
83 	Ref!Material getNextPass() const
84 	{
85 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
86 		return ptrcall!(Material)(GDNativeClassBinding.getNextPass, _godot_object);
87 	}
88 	/**
90 	*/
91 	long getRenderPriority() const
92 	{
93 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
94 		return ptrcall!(long)(GDNativeClassBinding.getRenderPriority, _godot_object);
95 	}
96 	/**
98 	*/
99 	void setNextPass(Material next_pass)
100 	{
101 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
102 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setNextPass, _godot_object, next_pass);
103 	}
104 	/**
106 	*/
107 	void setRenderPriority(in long priority)
108 	{
109 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
110 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setRenderPriority, _godot_object, priority);
111 	}
112 	/**
113 	Sets the $(D Material) to be used for the next pass. This renders the object again using a different material.
114 	$(B Note:) only applies to $(D SpatialMaterial)s and $(D ShaderMaterial)s with type "Spatial".
115 	*/
116 	@property Material nextPass()
117 	{
118 		return getNextPass();
119 	}
120 	/// ditto
121 	@property void nextPass(Material v)
122 	{
123 		setNextPass(v);
124 	}
125 	/**
126 	Sets the render priority for transparent objects in 3D scenes. Higher priority objects will be sorted in front of lower priority objects.
127 	$(B Note:) this only applies to sorting of transparent objects. This will not impact how transparent objects are sorted relative to opaque objects. This is because opaque objects are not sorted, while transparent objects are sorted from back to front (subject to priority).
128 	*/
129 	@property long renderPriority()
130 	{
131 		return getRenderPriority();
132 	}
133 	/// ditto
134 	@property void renderPriority(long v)
135 	{
136 		setRenderPriority(v);
137 	}
138 }