Manually advance the animations by the specified time (in seconds).
Retrieve the motion of the rootMotionTrack as a Transform that can be used elsewhere. If rootMotionTrack is not a path to a track of type constant Animation.TYPE_TRANSFORM, returns an identity transformation. See also rootMotionTrack and RootMotionView.
If true, the AnimationTree will be processing.
The path to the AnimationPlayer used for animating.
The process mode of this AnimationTree. See animationprocessmode for available modes.
The path to the Animation track used for root motion. Paths must be valid scene-tree paths to a node, and must be specified starting from the parent node of the node that will reproduce the animation. To specify a track that controls properties or bones, append its name after the path, separated by ":". For example, "character/skeleton:ankle" or "character/mesh:transform/local". If the track has type constant Animation.TYPE_TRANSFORM, the transformation will be cancelled visually, and the animation will appear to stay in place. See also getRootMotionTransform and RootMotionView.
The root animation node of this AnimationTree. See AnimationNode.
Construct a new instance of AnimationTree. Note: use memnew!AnimationTree instead.
A node to be used for advanced animation transitions in an AnimationPlayer.
Note: When linked with an AnimationPlayer, several properties and methods of the corresponding AnimationPlayer will not function as expected. Playback and transitions should be handled using only the AnimationTree and its constituent AnimationNode(s). The AnimationPlayer node should be used solely for adding, deleting, and editing animations.