The colliding body.
The colliding body's unique instance ID. See GodotObject.getInstanceId.
The colliding body's metadata. See GodotObject.
The colliding body's shape.
The colliding shape's index. See CollisionObject.
The colliding object's velocity.
The moving object's colliding shape.
The colliding body's shape's normal at the point of collision.
The point of collision, in global coordinates.
The moving object's remaining movement vector.
The distance the moving object traveled before collision.
Construct a new instance of KinematicCollision. Note: use memnew!KinematicCollision instead.
Collision data for KinematicBody collisions.
Contains collision data for KinematicBody collisions. When a KinematicBody is moved using KinematicBody.moveAndCollide, it stops if it detects a collision with another body. If a collision is detected, a KinematicCollision object is returned. This object contains information about the collision, including the colliding object, the remaining motion, and the collision position. This information can be used to calculate a collision response.