Clears the library.
Creates a new item in the library with the given ID. You can get an unused ID from getLastUnusedItemId.
Returns the first item with the given name.
Returns the list of item IDs in use.
Returns the item's mesh.
Returns the item's name.
Returns the item's navigation mesh.
Returns the transform applied to the item's navigation mesh.
When running in the editor, returns a generated item preview (a 3D rendering in isometric perspective). When used in a running project, returns the manually-defined item preview which can be set using setItemPreview. Returns an empty Texture if no preview was manually set in a running project.
Returns an item's collision shapes. The array consists of each Shape followed by its Transform.
Gets an unused ID for a new item.
Removes the item.
Sets the item's mesh.
Sets the item's name. This name is shown in the editor. It can also be used to look up the item later using findItemByName.
Sets the item's navigation mesh.
Sets the transform to apply to the item's navigation mesh.
Sets a texture to use as the item's preview icon in the editor.
Sets an item's collision shapes. The array should consist of Shape objects, each followed by a Transform that will be applied to it. For shapes that should not have a transform, use constant Transform.IDENTITY.
Construct a new instance of MeshLibrary. Note: use memnew!MeshLibrary instead.
Library of meshes.
A library of meshes. Contains a list of Mesh resources, each with a name and ID. Each item can also include collision and navigation shapes. This resource is used in GridMap.