The index of the current character (starting from 0). Setting this property won't affect drawing.
The Unicode codepoint the character will use. This only affects non-whitespace characters. @GDScript.ord can be useful here. For example, the following will replace all characters with asterisks:
The color the character will be drawn with.
The time elapsed since the RichTextLabel was added to the scene tree (in seconds). Time stops when the project is paused, unless the RichTextLabel's Node.pauseMode is set to constant Node.PAUSE_MODE_PROCESS. Note: Time still passes while the RichTextLabel is hidden.
Contains the arguments passed in the opening BBCode tag. By default, arguments are strings; if their contents match a type such as bool, long or double, they will be converted automatically. Color codes in the form #rrggbb or #rgb will be converted to an opaque Color. String arguments may not contain spaces, even if they're quoted. If present, quotes will also be present in the final string. For example, the opening BBCode tag $(D example foo=hello bar=true baz=42 color=#ffffff) will map to the following Dictionary:
The position offset the character will be drawn with (in pixels).
The index of the current character (starting from 0). Setting this property won't affect drawing.
If true, the character will be drawn. If false, the character will be hidden. Characters around hidden characters will reflow to take the space of hidden characters. If this is not desired, set their color to Color(1, 1, 1, 0) instead.
Construct a new instance of CharFXTransform. Note: use memnew!CharFXTransform instead.
Controls how an individual character will be displayed in a RichTextEffect.
By setting various properties on this object, you can control how individual characters will be displayed in a RichTextEffect.