Returns the list of bound parameters for the signal at idx.
Returns the number of signal connections in the scene. The idx argument used to query connection metadata in other get_connection_* methods in the interval $(D 0, get_connection_count() - 1).
Returns the connection flags for the signal at idx. See GodotObject.connectflags constants.
Returns the method connected to the signal at idx.
Returns the name of the signal at idx.
Returns the path to the node that owns the signal at idx, relative to the root node.
Returns the path to the node that owns the method connected to the signal at idx, relative to the root node.
Returns the number of nodes in the scene. The idx argument used to query node data in other get_node_* methods in the interval $(D 0, get_node_count() - 1).
Returns the list of group names associated with the node at idx.
Returns the node's index, which is its position relative to its siblings. This is only relevant and saved in scenes for cases where new nodes are added to an instanced or inherited scene among siblings from the base scene. Despite the name, this index is not related to the idx argument used here and in other methods.
Returns a PackedScene for the node at idx (i.e. the whole branch starting at this node, with its child nodes and resources), or null if the node is not an instance.
Returns the path to the represented scene file if the node at idx is an InstancePlaceholder.
Returns the name of the node at idx.
Returns the path to the owner of the node at idx, relative to the root node.
Returns the path to the node at idx. If for_parent is true, returns the path of the idx node's parent instead.
Returns the number of exported or overridden properties for the node at idx. The prop_idx argument used to query node property data in other get_node_property_* methods in the interval $(D 0, get_node_property_count() - 1).
Returns the name of the property at prop_idx for the node at idx.
Returns the value of the property at prop_idx for the node at idx.
Returns the type of the node at idx.
Returns true if the node at idx is an InstancePlaceholder.
Construct a new instance of SceneState. Note: use memnew!SceneState instead.
A script interface to a scene file's data.
Maintains a list of resources, nodes, exported, and overridden properties, and built-in scripts associated with a scene. This class cannot be instantiated directly, it is retrieved for a given scene as the result of PackedScene.getState.