Creates the Texture3D or TextureArray with specified width, height, and depth. See Image.format for format options. See flags enumerator for flags options.
Returns the depth of the texture. Depth is the 3rd dimension (typically Z-axis).
Returns the current format being used by this texture. See Image.format for details.
Returns the height of the texture. Height is typically represented by the Y-axis.
Returns an Image resource with the data from specified layer.
Returns the width of the texture. Width is typically represented by the X-axis.
Partially sets the data for a specified layer by overwriting using the data of the specified image. x_offset and y_offset determine where the Image is "stamped" over the texture. The image must fit within the texture.
Sets the data for the specified layer. Data takes the form of a 2-dimensional Image resource.
Returns a dictionary with all the data used by this texture.
Specifies which flags apply to this texture.
Construct a new instance of TextureLayered. Note: use memnew!TextureLayered instead.
Base class for 3D texture types.
Base class for Texture3D and TextureArray. Cannot be used directly, but contains all the functions necessary for accessing and using Texture3D and TextureArray. Data is set on a per-layer basis. For Texture3Ds, the layer specifies the depth or Z-index, they can be treated as a bunch of 2D slices. Similarly, for TextureArrays, the layer specifies the array layer.