
Override this method to define the actual shader code of the associated custom node. The shader code should be returned as a string, which can have multiple lines (the """ multiline string construct can be used for convenience). The input_vars and output_vars arrays contain the string names of the various input and output variables, as defined by _get_input_* and _get_output_* virtual methods in this class. The output ports can be assigned values in the shader code. For example, return output_vars$(D 0) + " = " + input_vars$(D 0) + ";". You can customize the generated code based on the shader mode (see Shader.mode) and/or type (see VisualShader.type). Defining this method is required.

struct VisualShaderNodeCustom
@nogc nothrow
in Array input_vars
in Array output_vars
in long mode
in long type
