1 /**
2 Virtual class to define custom $(D VisualShaderNode)s for use in the Visual Shader Editor.
4 Copyright:
5 Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.  
6 Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md)  
7 Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Godot-D contributors  
9 License: $(LINK2 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT, MIT License)
12 */
13 module godot.visualshadernodecustom;
14 import std.meta : AliasSeq, staticIndexOf;
15 import std.traits : Unqual;
16 import godot.d.traits;
17 import godot.core;
18 import godot.c;
19 import godot.d.bind;
20 import godot.d.reference;
21 import godot.globalenums;
22 import godot.object;
23 import godot.classdb;
24 import godot.visualshadernode;
25 import godot.resource;
26 import godot.reference;
27 /**
28 Virtual class to define custom $(D VisualShaderNode)s for use in the Visual Shader Editor.
30 By inheriting this class you can create a custom $(D VisualShader) script addon which will be automatically added to the Visual Shader Editor. The $(D VisualShaderNode)'s behavior is defined by overriding the provided virtual methods.
31 In order for the node to be registered as an editor addon, you must use the `tool` keyword and provide a `class_name` for your custom script. For example:
34 tool
35 extends VisualShaderNodeCustom
36 class_name VisualShaderNodeNoise
39 */
40 @GodotBaseClass struct VisualShaderNodeCustom
41 {
42 	package(godot) enum string _GODOT_internal_name = "VisualShaderNodeCustom";
43 public:
44 @nogc nothrow:
45 	union { /** */ godot_object _godot_object; /** */ VisualShaderNode _GODOT_base; }
46 	alias _GODOT_base this;
47 	alias BaseClasses = AliasSeq!(typeof(_GODOT_base), typeof(_GODOT_base).BaseClasses);
48 	package(godot) __gshared bool _classBindingInitialized = false;
49 	package(godot) static struct GDNativeClassBinding
50 	{
51 		__gshared:
52 		@GodotName("_get_category") GodotMethod!(String) _getCategory;
53 		@GodotName("_get_code") GodotMethod!(String, Array, Array, long, long) _getCode;
54 		@GodotName("_get_description") GodotMethod!(String) _getDescription;
55 		@GodotName("_get_global_code") GodotMethod!(String, long) _getGlobalCode;
56 		@GodotName("_get_input_port_count") GodotMethod!(long) _getInputPortCount;
57 		@GodotName("_get_input_port_name") GodotMethod!(String, long) _getInputPortName;
58 		@GodotName("_get_input_port_type") GodotMethod!(long, long) _getInputPortType;
59 		@GodotName("_get_name") GodotMethod!(String) _getName;
60 		@GodotName("_get_output_port_count") GodotMethod!(long) _getOutputPortCount;
61 		@GodotName("_get_output_port_name") GodotMethod!(String, long) _getOutputPortName;
62 		@GodotName("_get_output_port_type") GodotMethod!(long, long) _getOutputPortType;
63 		@GodotName("_get_return_icon_type") GodotMethod!(long) _getReturnIconType;
64 		@GodotName("_get_subcategory") GodotMethod!(String) _getSubcategory;
65 		@GodotName("_is_initialized") GodotMethod!(bool) _isInitialized;
66 		@GodotName("_set_initialized") GodotMethod!(void, bool) _setInitialized;
67 		@GodotName("_set_input_port_default_value") GodotMethod!(void, long, Variant) _setInputPortDefaultValue;
68 	}
69 	/// 
70 	pragma(inline, true) bool opEquals(in VisualShaderNodeCustom other) const
71 	{ return _godot_object.ptr is other._godot_object.ptr; }
72 	/// 
73 	pragma(inline, true) typeof(null) opAssign(typeof(null) n)
74 	{ _godot_object.ptr = n; return null; }
75 	/// 
76 	pragma(inline, true) bool opEquals(typeof(null) n) const
77 	{ return _godot_object.ptr is n; }
78 	/// 
79 	size_t toHash() const @trusted { return cast(size_t)_godot_object.ptr; }
80 	mixin baseCasts;
81 	/// Construct a new instance of VisualShaderNodeCustom.
82 	/// Note: use `memnew!VisualShaderNodeCustom` instead.
83 	static VisualShaderNodeCustom _new()
84 	{
85 		static godot_class_constructor constructor;
86 		if(constructor is null) constructor = _godot_api.godot_get_class_constructor("VisualShaderNodeCustom");
87 		if(constructor is null) return typeof(this).init;
88 		return cast(VisualShaderNodeCustom)(constructor());
89 	}
90 	@disable new(size_t s);
91 	/**
92 	Override this method to define the category of the associated custom node in the Visual Shader Editor's members dialog. The path may look like `"MyGame/MyFunctions/Noise"`.
93 	Defining this method is $(B optional). If not overridden, the node will be filed under the "Custom" category.
94 	*/
95 	String _getCategory()
96 	{
97 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
98 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_category");
99 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!String);
100 	}
101 	/**
102 	Override this method to define the actual shader code of the associated custom node. The shader code should be returned as a string, which can have multiple lines (the `"""` multiline string construct can be used for convenience).
103 	The `input_vars` and `output_vars` arrays contain the string names of the various input and output variables, as defined by `_get_input_*` and `_get_output_*` virtual methods in this class.
104 	The output ports can be assigned values in the shader code. For example, `return output_vars$(D 0) + " = " + input_vars$(D 0) + ";"`.
105 	You can customize the generated code based on the shader `mode` (see $(D Shader.mode)) and/or `type` (see $(D VisualShader.type)).
106 	Defining this method is $(B required).
107 	*/
108 	String _getCode(in Array input_vars, in Array output_vars, in long mode, in long type)
109 	{
110 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
111 		_GODOT_args.append(input_vars);
112 		_GODOT_args.append(output_vars);
113 		_GODOT_args.append(mode);
114 		_GODOT_args.append(type);
115 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_code");
116 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!String);
117 	}
118 	/**
119 	Override this method to define the description of the associated custom node in the Visual Shader Editor's members dialog.
120 	Defining this method is $(B optional).
121 	*/
122 	String _getDescription()
123 	{
124 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
125 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_description");
126 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!String);
127 	}
128 	/**
129 	Override this method to add shader code on top of the global shader, to define your own standard library of reusable methods, varyings, constants, uniforms, etc. The shader code should be returned as a string, which can have multiple lines (the `"""` multiline string construct can be used for convenience).
130 	Be careful with this functionality as it can cause name conflicts with other custom nodes, so be sure to give the defined entities unique names.
131 	You can customize the generated code based on the shader `mode` (see $(D Shader.mode)).
132 	Defining this method is $(B optional).
133 	*/
134 	String _getGlobalCode(in long mode)
135 	{
136 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
137 		_GODOT_args.append(mode);
138 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_global_code");
139 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!String);
140 	}
141 	/**
142 	Override this method to define the amount of input ports of the associated custom node.
143 	Defining this method is $(B required). If not overridden, the node has no input ports.
144 	*/
145 	long _getInputPortCount()
146 	{
147 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
148 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_input_port_count");
149 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!long);
150 	}
151 	/**
152 	Override this method to define the names of input ports of the associated custom node. The names are used both for the input slots in the editor and as identifiers in the shader code, and are passed in the `input_vars` array in $(D _getCode).
153 	Defining this method is $(B optional), but recommended. If not overridden, input ports are named as `"in" + str(port)`.
154 	*/
155 	String _getInputPortName(in long port)
156 	{
157 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
158 		_GODOT_args.append(port);
159 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_input_port_name");
160 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!String);
161 	}
162 	/**
163 	Override this method to define the returned type of each input port of the associated custom node (see $(D VisualShaderNode.porttype) for possible types).
164 	Defining this method is $(B optional), but recommended. If not overridden, input ports will return the $(D constant VisualShaderNode.PORT_TYPE_SCALAR) type.
165 	*/
166 	long _getInputPortType(in long port)
167 	{
168 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
169 		_GODOT_args.append(port);
170 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_input_port_type");
171 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!long);
172 	}
173 	/**
174 	Override this method to define the name of the associated custom node in the Visual Shader Editor's members dialog and graph.
175 	Defining this method is $(B optional), but recommended. If not overridden, the node will be named as "Unnamed".
176 	*/
177 	String _getName()
178 	{
179 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
180 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_name");
181 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!String);
182 	}
183 	/**
184 	Override this method to define the amount of output ports of the associated custom node.
185 	Defining this method is $(B required). If not overridden, the node has no output ports.
186 	*/
187 	long _getOutputPortCount()
188 	{
189 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
190 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_output_port_count");
191 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!long);
192 	}
193 	/**
194 	Override this method to define the names of output ports of the associated custom node. The names are used both for the output slots in the editor and as identifiers in the shader code, and are passed in the `output_vars` array in $(D _getCode).
195 	Defining this method is $(B optional), but recommended. If not overridden, output ports are named as `"out" + str(port)`.
196 	*/
197 	String _getOutputPortName(in long port)
198 	{
199 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
200 		_GODOT_args.append(port);
201 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_output_port_name");
202 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!String);
203 	}
204 	/**
205 	Override this method to define the returned type of each output port of the associated custom node (see $(D VisualShaderNode.porttype) for possible types).
206 	Defining this method is $(B optional), but recommended. If not overridden, output ports will return the $(D constant VisualShaderNode.PORT_TYPE_SCALAR) type.
207 	*/
208 	long _getOutputPortType(in long port)
209 	{
210 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
211 		_GODOT_args.append(port);
212 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_output_port_type");
213 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!long);
214 	}
215 	/**
216 	Override this method to define the return icon of the associated custom node in the Visual Shader Editor's members dialog.
217 	Defining this method is $(B optional). If not overridden, no return icon is shown.
218 	*/
219 	long _getReturnIconType()
220 	{
221 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
222 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_return_icon_type");
223 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!long);
224 	}
225 	/**
226 	Override this method to define the subcategory of the associated custom node in the Visual Shader Editor's members dialog.
227 	Defining this method is $(B optional). If not overridden, the node will be filed under the root of the main category (see $(D _getCategory)).
228 	*/
229 	String _getSubcategory()
230 	{
231 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
232 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_get_subcategory");
233 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!String);
234 	}
235 	/**
237 	*/
238 	bool _isInitialized()
239 	{
240 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
241 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_is_initialized");
242 		return this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args).as!(RefOrT!bool);
243 	}
244 	/**
246 	*/
247 	void _setInitialized(in bool enabled)
248 	{
249 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
250 		_GODOT_args.append(enabled);
251 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_set_initialized");
252 		this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args);
253 	}
254 	/**
256 	*/
257 	void _setInputPortDefaultValue(VariantArg1)(in long port, in VariantArg1 value)
258 	{
259 		Array _GODOT_args = Array.make();
260 		_GODOT_args.append(port);
261 		_GODOT_args.append(value);
262 		String _GODOT_method_name = String("_set_input_port_default_value");
263 		this.callv(_GODOT_method_name, _GODOT_args);
264 	}
265 	/**
267 	*/
268 	@property bool initialized()
269 	{
270 		return _isInitialized();
271 	}
272 	/// ditto
273 	@property void initialized(bool v)
274 	{
275 		_setInitialized(v);
276 	}
277 }