Enables or disables physics (i.e. fixed framerate) processing. When a node is being processed, it will receive a constantNOTIFICATION_PHYSICS_PROCESS at a fixed (usually 60 FPS, see Engine.iterationsPerSecond to change) interval (and the _physicsProcess callback will be called if exists). Enabled automatically if _physicsProcess is overridden. Any calls to this before _ready will be ignored.
Enables or disables physics (i.e. fixed framerate) processing. When a node is being processed, it will receive a constant NOTIFICATION_PHYSICS_PROCESS at a fixed (usually 60 FPS, see Engine.iterationsPerSecond to change) interval (and the _physicsProcess callback will be called if exists). Enabled automatically if _physicsProcess is overridden. Any calls to this before _ready will be ignored.