Value | Meaning |
textureAlbedo0 | Texture specifying per-pixel color. |
textureMetallic1 | Texture specifying per-pixel metallic value. |
textureRoughness2 | Texture specifying per-pixel roughness value. |
textureEmission3 | Texture specifying per-pixel emission color. |
textureNormal4 | Texture specifying per-pixel normal vector. |
textureRim5 | Texture specifying per-pixel rim value. |
textureClearcoat6 | Texture specifying per-pixel clearcoat value. |
textureFlowmap7 | Texture specifying per-pixel flowmap direction for use with anisotropy. |
textureAmbientOcclusion8 | Texture specifying per-pixel ambient occlusion value. |
textureDepth9 | Texture specifying per-pixel depth. |
textureSubsurfaceScattering10 | Texture specifying per-pixel subsurface scattering. |
textureTransmission11 | Texture specifying per-pixel transmission color. |
textureRefraction12 | Texture specifying per-pixel refraction strength. |
textureDetailMask13 | Texture specifying per-pixel detail mask blending value. |
textureDetailAlbedo14 | Texture specifying per-pixel detail color. |
textureDetailNormal15 | Texture specifying per-pixel detail normal. |
textureMax16 | Represents the size of the textureparam enum. |