1 /**
2 Default 3D rendering material.
4 Copyright:
5 Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.  
6 Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md)  
7 Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Godot-D contributors  
9 License: $(LINK2 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT, MIT License)
12 */
13 module godot.spatialmaterial;
14 import std.meta : AliasSeq, staticIndexOf;
15 import std.traits : Unqual;
16 import godot.d.traits;
17 import godot.core;
18 import godot.c;
19 import godot.d.bind;
20 import godot.d.reference;
21 import godot.globalenums;
22 import godot.object;
23 import godot.classdb;
24 import godot.material;
25 import godot.resource;
26 import godot.reference;
27 import godot.texture;
28 /**
29 Default 3D rendering material.
31 This provides a default material with a wide variety of rendering features and properties without the need to write shader code. See the tutorial below for details.
32 */
33 @GodotBaseClass struct SpatialMaterial
34 {
35 	package(godot) enum string _GODOT_internal_name = "SpatialMaterial";
36 public:
37 @nogc nothrow:
38 	union { /** */ godot_object _godot_object; /** */ Material _GODOT_base; }
39 	alias _GODOT_base this;
40 	alias BaseClasses = AliasSeq!(typeof(_GODOT_base), typeof(_GODOT_base).BaseClasses);
41 	package(godot) __gshared bool _classBindingInitialized = false;
42 	package(godot) static struct GDNativeClassBinding
43 	{
44 		__gshared:
45 		@GodotName("get_albedo") GodotMethod!(Color) getAlbedo;
46 		@GodotName("get_alpha_scissor_threshold") GodotMethod!(double) getAlphaScissorThreshold;
47 		@GodotName("get_anisotropy") GodotMethod!(double) getAnisotropy;
48 		@GodotName("get_ao_light_affect") GodotMethod!(double) getAoLightAffect;
49 		@GodotName("get_ao_texture_channel") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel) getAoTextureChannel;
50 		@GodotName("get_billboard_mode") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.BillboardMode) getBillboardMode;
51 		@GodotName("get_blend_mode") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.BlendMode) getBlendMode;
52 		@GodotName("get_clearcoat") GodotMethod!(double) getClearcoat;
53 		@GodotName("get_clearcoat_gloss") GodotMethod!(double) getClearcoatGloss;
54 		@GodotName("get_cull_mode") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.CullMode) getCullMode;
55 		@GodotName("get_depth_deep_parallax_flip_binormal") GodotMethod!(bool) getDepthDeepParallaxFlipBinormal;
56 		@GodotName("get_depth_deep_parallax_flip_tangent") GodotMethod!(bool) getDepthDeepParallaxFlipTangent;
57 		@GodotName("get_depth_deep_parallax_max_layers") GodotMethod!(long) getDepthDeepParallaxMaxLayers;
58 		@GodotName("get_depth_deep_parallax_min_layers") GodotMethod!(long) getDepthDeepParallaxMinLayers;
59 		@GodotName("get_depth_draw_mode") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.DepthDrawMode) getDepthDrawMode;
60 		@GodotName("get_depth_scale") GodotMethod!(double) getDepthScale;
61 		@GodotName("get_detail_blend_mode") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.BlendMode) getDetailBlendMode;
62 		@GodotName("get_detail_uv") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.DetailUV) getDetailUv;
63 		@GodotName("get_diffuse_mode") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.DiffuseMode) getDiffuseMode;
64 		@GodotName("get_distance_fade") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.DistanceFadeMode) getDistanceFade;
65 		@GodotName("get_distance_fade_max_distance") GodotMethod!(double) getDistanceFadeMaxDistance;
66 		@GodotName("get_distance_fade_min_distance") GodotMethod!(double) getDistanceFadeMinDistance;
67 		@GodotName("get_emission") GodotMethod!(Color) getEmission;
68 		@GodotName("get_emission_energy") GodotMethod!(double) getEmissionEnergy;
69 		@GodotName("get_emission_operator") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.EmissionOperator) getEmissionOperator;
70 		@GodotName("get_feature") GodotMethod!(bool, long) getFeature;
71 		@GodotName("get_flag") GodotMethod!(bool, long) getFlag;
72 		@GodotName("get_grow") GodotMethod!(double) getGrow;
73 		@GodotName("get_line_width") GodotMethod!(double) getLineWidth;
74 		@GodotName("get_metallic") GodotMethod!(double) getMetallic;
75 		@GodotName("get_metallic_texture_channel") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel) getMetallicTextureChannel;
76 		@GodotName("get_normal_scale") GodotMethod!(double) getNormalScale;
77 		@GodotName("get_particles_anim_h_frames") GodotMethod!(long) getParticlesAnimHFrames;
78 		@GodotName("get_particles_anim_loop") GodotMethod!(bool) getParticlesAnimLoop;
79 		@GodotName("get_particles_anim_v_frames") GodotMethod!(long) getParticlesAnimVFrames;
80 		@GodotName("get_point_size") GodotMethod!(double) getPointSize;
81 		@GodotName("get_proximity_fade_distance") GodotMethod!(double) getProximityFadeDistance;
82 		@GodotName("get_refraction") GodotMethod!(double) getRefraction;
83 		@GodotName("get_refraction_texture_channel") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel) getRefractionTextureChannel;
84 		@GodotName("get_rim") GodotMethod!(double) getRim;
85 		@GodotName("get_rim_tint") GodotMethod!(double) getRimTint;
86 		@GodotName("get_roughness") GodotMethod!(double) getRoughness;
87 		@GodotName("get_roughness_texture_channel") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel) getRoughnessTextureChannel;
88 		@GodotName("get_specular") GodotMethod!(double) getSpecular;
89 		@GodotName("get_specular_mode") GodotMethod!(SpatialMaterial.SpecularMode) getSpecularMode;
90 		@GodotName("get_subsurface_scattering_strength") GodotMethod!(double) getSubsurfaceScatteringStrength;
91 		@GodotName("get_texture") GodotMethod!(Texture, long) getTexture;
92 		@GodotName("get_transmission") GodotMethod!(Color) getTransmission;
93 		@GodotName("get_uv1_offset") GodotMethod!(Vector3) getUv1Offset;
94 		@GodotName("get_uv1_scale") GodotMethod!(Vector3) getUv1Scale;
95 		@GodotName("get_uv1_triplanar_blend_sharpness") GodotMethod!(double) getUv1TriplanarBlendSharpness;
96 		@GodotName("get_uv2_offset") GodotMethod!(Vector3) getUv2Offset;
97 		@GodotName("get_uv2_scale") GodotMethod!(Vector3) getUv2Scale;
98 		@GodotName("get_uv2_triplanar_blend_sharpness") GodotMethod!(double) getUv2TriplanarBlendSharpness;
99 		@GodotName("is_depth_deep_parallax_enabled") GodotMethod!(bool) isDepthDeepParallaxEnabled;
100 		@GodotName("is_grow_enabled") GodotMethod!(bool) isGrowEnabled;
101 		@GodotName("is_proximity_fade_enabled") GodotMethod!(bool) isProximityFadeEnabled;
102 		@GodotName("set_albedo") GodotMethod!(void, Color) setAlbedo;
103 		@GodotName("set_alpha_scissor_threshold") GodotMethod!(void, double) setAlphaScissorThreshold;
104 		@GodotName("set_anisotropy") GodotMethod!(void, double) setAnisotropy;
105 		@GodotName("set_ao_light_affect") GodotMethod!(void, double) setAoLightAffect;
106 		@GodotName("set_ao_texture_channel") GodotMethod!(void, long) setAoTextureChannel;
107 		@GodotName("set_billboard_mode") GodotMethod!(void, long) setBillboardMode;
108 		@GodotName("set_blend_mode") GodotMethod!(void, long) setBlendMode;
109 		@GodotName("set_clearcoat") GodotMethod!(void, double) setClearcoat;
110 		@GodotName("set_clearcoat_gloss") GodotMethod!(void, double) setClearcoatGloss;
111 		@GodotName("set_cull_mode") GodotMethod!(void, long) setCullMode;
112 		@GodotName("set_depth_deep_parallax") GodotMethod!(void, bool) setDepthDeepParallax;
113 		@GodotName("set_depth_deep_parallax_flip_binormal") GodotMethod!(void, bool) setDepthDeepParallaxFlipBinormal;
114 		@GodotName("set_depth_deep_parallax_flip_tangent") GodotMethod!(void, bool) setDepthDeepParallaxFlipTangent;
115 		@GodotName("set_depth_deep_parallax_max_layers") GodotMethod!(void, long) setDepthDeepParallaxMaxLayers;
116 		@GodotName("set_depth_deep_parallax_min_layers") GodotMethod!(void, long) setDepthDeepParallaxMinLayers;
117 		@GodotName("set_depth_draw_mode") GodotMethod!(void, long) setDepthDrawMode;
118 		@GodotName("set_depth_scale") GodotMethod!(void, double) setDepthScale;
119 		@GodotName("set_detail_blend_mode") GodotMethod!(void, long) setDetailBlendMode;
120 		@GodotName("set_detail_uv") GodotMethod!(void, long) setDetailUv;
121 		@GodotName("set_diffuse_mode") GodotMethod!(void, long) setDiffuseMode;
122 		@GodotName("set_distance_fade") GodotMethod!(void, long) setDistanceFade;
123 		@GodotName("set_distance_fade_max_distance") GodotMethod!(void, double) setDistanceFadeMaxDistance;
124 		@GodotName("set_distance_fade_min_distance") GodotMethod!(void, double) setDistanceFadeMinDistance;
125 		@GodotName("set_emission") GodotMethod!(void, Color) setEmission;
126 		@GodotName("set_emission_energy") GodotMethod!(void, double) setEmissionEnergy;
127 		@GodotName("set_emission_operator") GodotMethod!(void, long) setEmissionOperator;
128 		@GodotName("set_feature") GodotMethod!(void, long, bool) setFeature;
129 		@GodotName("set_flag") GodotMethod!(void, long, bool) setFlag;
130 		@GodotName("set_grow") GodotMethod!(void, double) setGrow;
131 		@GodotName("set_grow_enabled") GodotMethod!(void, bool) setGrowEnabled;
132 		@GodotName("set_line_width") GodotMethod!(void, double) setLineWidth;
133 		@GodotName("set_metallic") GodotMethod!(void, double) setMetallic;
134 		@GodotName("set_metallic_texture_channel") GodotMethod!(void, long) setMetallicTextureChannel;
135 		@GodotName("set_normal_scale") GodotMethod!(void, double) setNormalScale;
136 		@GodotName("set_particles_anim_h_frames") GodotMethod!(void, long) setParticlesAnimHFrames;
137 		@GodotName("set_particles_anim_loop") GodotMethod!(void, bool) setParticlesAnimLoop;
138 		@GodotName("set_particles_anim_v_frames") GodotMethod!(void, long) setParticlesAnimVFrames;
139 		@GodotName("set_point_size") GodotMethod!(void, double) setPointSize;
140 		@GodotName("set_proximity_fade") GodotMethod!(void, bool) setProximityFade;
141 		@GodotName("set_proximity_fade_distance") GodotMethod!(void, double) setProximityFadeDistance;
142 		@GodotName("set_refraction") GodotMethod!(void, double) setRefraction;
143 		@GodotName("set_refraction_texture_channel") GodotMethod!(void, long) setRefractionTextureChannel;
144 		@GodotName("set_rim") GodotMethod!(void, double) setRim;
145 		@GodotName("set_rim_tint") GodotMethod!(void, double) setRimTint;
146 		@GodotName("set_roughness") GodotMethod!(void, double) setRoughness;
147 		@GodotName("set_roughness_texture_channel") GodotMethod!(void, long) setRoughnessTextureChannel;
148 		@GodotName("set_specular") GodotMethod!(void, double) setSpecular;
149 		@GodotName("set_specular_mode") GodotMethod!(void, long) setSpecularMode;
150 		@GodotName("set_subsurface_scattering_strength") GodotMethod!(void, double) setSubsurfaceScatteringStrength;
151 		@GodotName("set_texture") GodotMethod!(void, long, Texture) setTexture;
152 		@GodotName("set_transmission") GodotMethod!(void, Color) setTransmission;
153 		@GodotName("set_uv1_offset") GodotMethod!(void, Vector3) setUv1Offset;
154 		@GodotName("set_uv1_scale") GodotMethod!(void, Vector3) setUv1Scale;
155 		@GodotName("set_uv1_triplanar_blend_sharpness") GodotMethod!(void, double) setUv1TriplanarBlendSharpness;
156 		@GodotName("set_uv2_offset") GodotMethod!(void, Vector3) setUv2Offset;
157 		@GodotName("set_uv2_scale") GodotMethod!(void, Vector3) setUv2Scale;
158 		@GodotName("set_uv2_triplanar_blend_sharpness") GodotMethod!(void, double) setUv2TriplanarBlendSharpness;
159 	}
160 	/// 
161 	pragma(inline, true) bool opEquals(in SpatialMaterial other) const
162 	{ return _godot_object.ptr is other._godot_object.ptr; }
163 	/// 
164 	pragma(inline, true) typeof(null) opAssign(typeof(null) n)
165 	{ _godot_object.ptr = n; return null; }
166 	/// 
167 	pragma(inline, true) bool opEquals(typeof(null) n) const
168 	{ return _godot_object.ptr is n; }
169 	/// 
170 	size_t toHash() const @trusted { return cast(size_t)_godot_object.ptr; }
171 	mixin baseCasts;
172 	/// Construct a new instance of SpatialMaterial.
173 	/// Note: use `memnew!SpatialMaterial` instead.
174 	static SpatialMaterial _new()
175 	{
176 		static godot_class_constructor constructor;
177 		if(constructor is null) constructor = _godot_api.godot_get_class_constructor("SpatialMaterial");
178 		if(constructor is null) return typeof(this).init;
179 		return cast(SpatialMaterial)(constructor());
180 	}
181 	@disable new(size_t s);
182 	/// 
183 	enum EmissionOperator : int
184 	{
185 		/**
186 		Adds the emission color to the color from the emission texture.
187 		*/
188 		emissionOpAdd = 0,
189 		/**
190 		Multiplies the emission color by the color from the emission texture.
191 		*/
192 		emissionOpMultiply = 1,
193 	}
194 	/// 
195 	enum DiffuseMode : int
196 	{
197 		/**
198 		Default diffuse scattering algorithm.
199 		*/
200 		diffuseBurley = 0,
201 		/**
202 		Diffuse scattering ignores roughness.
203 		*/
204 		diffuseLambert = 1,
205 		/**
206 		Extends Lambert to cover more than 90 degrees when roughness increases.
207 		*/
208 		diffuseLambertWrap = 2,
209 		/**
210 		Attempts to use roughness to emulate microsurfacing.
211 		*/
212 		diffuseOrenNayar = 3,
213 		/**
214 		Uses a hard cut for lighting, with smoothing affected by roughness.
215 		*/
216 		diffuseToon = 4,
217 	}
218 	/// 
219 	enum SpecularMode : int
220 	{
221 		/**
222 		Default specular blob.
223 		*/
224 		specularSchlickGgx = 0,
225 		/**
226 		Older specular algorithm, included for compatibility.
227 		*/
228 		specularBlinn = 1,
229 		/**
230 		Older specular algorithm, included for compatibility.
231 		*/
232 		specularPhong = 2,
233 		/**
234 		Toon blob which changes size based on roughness.
235 		*/
236 		specularToon = 3,
237 		/**
238 		No specular blob.
239 		*/
240 		specularDisabled = 4,
241 	}
242 	/// 
243 	enum Feature : int
244 	{
245 		/**
246 		Constant for setting $(D flagsTransparent).
247 		*/
248 		featureTransparent = 0,
249 		/**
250 		Constant for setting $(D emissionEnabled).
251 		*/
252 		featureEmission = 1,
253 		/**
254 		Constant for setting $(D normalEnabled).
255 		*/
256 		featureNormalMapping = 2,
257 		/**
258 		Constant for setting $(D rimEnabled).
259 		*/
260 		featureRim = 3,
261 		/**
262 		Constant for setting $(D clearcoatEnabled).
263 		*/
264 		featureClearcoat = 4,
265 		/**
266 		Constant for setting $(D anisotropyEnabled).
267 		*/
268 		featureAnisotropy = 5,
269 		/**
270 		Constant for setting $(D aoEnabled).
271 		*/
272 		featureAmbientOcclusion = 6,
273 		/**
274 		Constant for setting $(D depthEnabled).
275 		*/
276 		featureDepthMapping = 7,
277 		/**
278 		Constant for setting $(D subsurfScatterEnabled).
279 		*/
280 		featureSubsuraceScattering = 8,
281 		/**
282 		Constant for setting $(D transmissionEnabled).
283 		*/
284 		featureTransmission = 9,
285 		/**
286 		Constant for setting $(D refractionEnabled).
287 		*/
288 		featureRefraction = 10,
289 		/**
290 		Constant for setting $(D detailEnabled).
291 		*/
292 		featureDetail = 11,
293 		/**
294 		Represents the size of the $(D feature) enum.
295 		*/
296 		featureMax = 12,
297 	}
298 	/// 
299 	enum Flags : int
300 	{
301 		/**
302 		No lighting is used on the object. Color comes directly from `ALBEDO`.
303 		*/
304 		flagUnshaded = 0,
305 		/**
306 		Lighting is calculated per-vertex rather than per-pixel. This can be used to increase the speed of the shader at the cost of quality.
307 		*/
308 		flagUseVertexLighting = 1,
309 		/**
310 		Disables the depth test, so this object is drawn on top of all others. However, objects drawn after it in the draw order may cover it.
311 		*/
312 		flagDisableDepthTest = 2,
313 		/**
314 		Set `ALBEDO` to the per-vertex color specified in the mesh.
315 		*/
316 		flagAlbedoFromVertexColor = 3,
317 		/**
318 		Vertex color is in sRGB space and needs to be converted to linear. Only applies in the GLES3 renderer.
319 		*/
320 		flagSrgbVertexColor = 4,
321 		/**
322 		Uses point size to alter the size of primitive points. Also changes the albedo texture lookup to use `POINT_COORD` instead of `UV`.
323 		*/
324 		flagUsePointSize = 5,
325 		/**
326 		Object is scaled by depth so that it always appears the same size on screen.
327 		*/
328 		flagFixedSize = 6,
329 		/**
330 		Shader will keep the scale set for the mesh. Otherwise the scale is lost when billboarding. Only applies when $(D paramsBillboardMode) is $(D constant BILLBOARD_ENABLED).
331 		*/
332 		flagBillboardKeepScale = 7,
333 		/**
334 		Use triplanar texture lookup for all texture lookups that would normally use `UV`.
335 		*/
336 		flagUv1UseTriplanar = 8,
337 		/**
338 		Use triplanar texture lookup for all texture lookups that would normally use `UV2`.
339 		*/
340 		flagUv2UseTriplanar = 9,
341 		/**
342 		Use world coordinates in the triplanar texture lookup instead of local coordinates.
343 		*/
344 		flagTriplanarUseWorld = 10,
345 		/**
346 		Use `UV2` coordinates to look up from the $(D aoTexture).
347 		*/
348 		flagAoOnUv2 = 11,
349 		/**
350 		Use `UV2` coordinates to look up from the $(D emissionTexture).
351 		*/
352 		flagEmissionOnUv2 = 12,
353 		/**
354 		Use alpha scissor. Set by $(D paramsUseAlphaScissor).
355 		*/
356 		flagUseAlphaScissor = 13,
357 		/**
358 		Forces the shader to convert albedo from sRGB space to linear space.
359 		*/
360 		flagAlbedoTextureForceSrgb = 14,
361 		/**
362 		Disables receiving shadows from other objects.
363 		*/
364 		flagDontReceiveShadows = 15,
365 		/**
366 		Ensures that normals appear correct, even with non-uniform scaling.
367 		*/
368 		flagEnsureCorrectNormals = 16,
369 		/**
370 		Disables receiving ambient light.
371 		*/
372 		flagDisableAmbientLight = 17,
373 		/**
374 		Enables the shadow to opacity feature.
375 		*/
376 		flagUseShadowToOpacity = 18,
377 		/**
378 		Represents the size of the $(D flags) enum.
379 		*/
380 		flagMax = 19,
381 	}
382 	/// 
383 	enum CullMode : int
384 	{
385 		/**
386 		Default cull mode. The back of the object is culled when not visible.
387 		*/
388 		cullBack = 0,
389 		/**
390 		The front of the object is culled when not visible.
391 		*/
392 		cullFront = 1,
393 		/**
394 		No culling is performed.
395 		*/
396 		cullDisabled = 2,
397 	}
398 	/// 
399 	enum DetailUV : int
400 	{
401 		/**
402 		Use `UV` with the detail texture.
403 		*/
404 		detailUv1 = 0,
405 		/**
406 		Use `UV2` with the detail texture.
407 		*/
408 		detailUv2 = 1,
409 	}
410 	/// 
411 	enum DistanceFadeMode : int
412 	{
413 		/**
414 		Do not use distance fade.
415 		*/
416 		distanceFadeDisabled = 0,
417 		/**
418 		Smoothly fades the object out based on each pixel's distance from the camera using the alpha channel.
419 		*/
420 		distanceFadePixelAlpha = 1,
421 		/**
422 		Smoothly fades the object out based on each pixel's distance from the camera using a dither approach. Dithering discards pixels based on a set pattern to smoothly fade without enabling transparency. On certain hardware this can be faster than $(D constant DISTANCE_FADE_PIXEL_ALPHA).
423 		*/
424 		distanceFadePixelDither = 2,
425 		/**
426 		Smoothly fades the object out based on the object's distance from the camera using a dither approach. Dithering discards pixels based on a set pattern to smoothly fade without enabling transparency. On certain hardware this can be faster than $(D constant DISTANCE_FADE_PIXEL_ALPHA).
427 		*/
428 		distanceFadeObjectDither = 3,
429 	}
430 	/// 
431 	enum BillboardMode : int
432 	{
433 		/**
434 		Billboard mode is disabled.
435 		*/
436 		billboardDisabled = 0,
437 		/**
438 		The object's Z axis will always face the camera.
439 		*/
440 		billboardEnabled = 1,
441 		/**
442 		The object's X axis will always face the camera.
443 		*/
444 		billboardFixedY = 2,
445 		/**
446 		Used for particle systems when assigned to $(D Particles) and $(D CPUParticles) nodes. Enables `particles_anim_*` properties.
447 		The $(D ParticlesMaterial.animSpeed) or $(D CPUParticles.animSpeed) should also be set to a positive value for the animation to play.
448 		*/
449 		billboardParticles = 3,
450 	}
451 	/// 
452 	enum DepthDrawMode : int
453 	{
454 		/**
455 		Default depth draw mode. Depth is drawn only for opaque objects.
456 		*/
457 		depthDrawOpaqueOnly = 0,
458 		/**
459 		Depth draw is calculated for both opaque and transparent objects.
460 		*/
461 		depthDrawAlways = 1,
462 		/**
463 		No depth draw.
464 		*/
465 		depthDrawDisabled = 2,
466 		/**
467 		For transparent objects, an opaque pass is made first with the opaque parts, then transparency is drawn.
468 		*/
469 		depthDrawAlphaOpaquePrepass = 3,
470 	}
471 	/// 
472 	enum TextureChannel : int
473 	{
474 		/**
475 		Used to read from the red channel of a texture.
476 		*/
477 		textureChannelRed = 0,
478 		/**
479 		Used to read from the green channel of a texture.
480 		*/
481 		textureChannelGreen = 1,
482 		/**
483 		Used to read from the blue channel of a texture.
484 		*/
485 		textureChannelBlue = 2,
486 		/**
487 		Used to read from the alpha channel of a texture.
488 		*/
489 		textureChannelAlpha = 3,
490 		/**
491 		Currently unused.
492 		*/
493 		textureChannelGrayscale = 4,
494 	}
495 	/// 
496 	enum BlendMode : int
497 	{
498 		/**
499 		Default blend mode. The color of the object is blended over the background based on the object's alpha value.
500 		*/
501 		blendModeMix = 0,
502 		/**
503 		The color of the object is added to the background.
504 		*/
505 		blendModeAdd = 1,
506 		/**
507 		The color of the object is subtracted from the background.
508 		*/
509 		blendModeSub = 2,
510 		/**
511 		The color of the object is multiplied by the background.
512 		*/
513 		blendModeMul = 3,
514 	}
515 	/// 
516 	enum TextureParam : int
517 	{
518 		/**
519 		Texture specifying per-pixel color.
520 		*/
521 		textureAlbedo = 0,
522 		/**
523 		Texture specifying per-pixel metallic value.
524 		*/
525 		textureMetallic = 1,
526 		/**
527 		Texture specifying per-pixel roughness value.
528 		*/
529 		textureRoughness = 2,
530 		/**
531 		Texture specifying per-pixel emission color.
532 		*/
533 		textureEmission = 3,
534 		/**
535 		Texture specifying per-pixel normal vector.
536 		*/
537 		textureNormal = 4,
538 		/**
539 		Texture specifying per-pixel rim value.
540 		*/
541 		textureRim = 5,
542 		/**
543 		Texture specifying per-pixel clearcoat value.
544 		*/
545 		textureClearcoat = 6,
546 		/**
547 		Texture specifying per-pixel flowmap direction for use with $(D anisotropy).
548 		*/
549 		textureFlowmap = 7,
550 		/**
551 		Texture specifying per-pixel ambient occlusion value.
552 		*/
553 		textureAmbientOcclusion = 8,
554 		/**
555 		Texture specifying per-pixel depth.
556 		*/
557 		textureDepth = 9,
558 		/**
559 		Texture specifying per-pixel subsurface scattering.
560 		*/
561 		textureSubsurfaceScattering = 10,
562 		/**
563 		Texture specifying per-pixel transmission color.
564 		*/
565 		textureTransmission = 11,
566 		/**
567 		Texture specifying per-pixel refraction strength.
568 		*/
569 		textureRefraction = 12,
570 		/**
571 		Texture specifying per-pixel detail mask blending value.
572 		*/
573 		textureDetailMask = 13,
574 		/**
575 		Texture specifying per-pixel detail color.
576 		*/
577 		textureDetailAlbedo = 14,
578 		/**
579 		Texture specifying per-pixel detail normal.
580 		*/
581 		textureDetailNormal = 15,
582 		/**
583 		Represents the size of the $(D textureparam) enum.
584 		*/
585 		textureMax = 16,
586 	}
587 	/// 
588 	enum Constants : int
589 	{
590 		emissionOpAdd = 0,
591 		cullBack = 0,
592 		depthDrawOpaqueOnly = 0,
593 		diffuseBurley = 0,
594 		distanceFadeDisabled = 0,
595 		blendModeMix = 0,
596 		featureTransparent = 0,
597 		billboardDisabled = 0,
598 		flagUnshaded = 0,
599 		textureAlbedo = 0,
600 		textureChannelRed = 0,
601 		specularSchlickGgx = 0,
602 		detailUv1 = 0,
603 		diffuseLambert = 1,
604 		cullFront = 1,
605 		specularBlinn = 1,
606 		blendModeAdd = 1,
607 		textureMetallic = 1,
608 		depthDrawAlways = 1,
609 		textureChannelGreen = 1,
610 		featureEmission = 1,
611 		emissionOpMultiply = 1,
612 		flagUseVertexLighting = 1,
613 		distanceFadePixelAlpha = 1,
614 		billboardEnabled = 1,
615 		detailUv2 = 1,
616 		flagDisableDepthTest = 2,
617 		blendModeSub = 2,
618 		textureRoughness = 2,
619 		featureNormalMapping = 2,
620 		textureChannelBlue = 2,
621 		cullDisabled = 2,
622 		depthDrawDisabled = 2,
623 		diffuseLambertWrap = 2,
624 		specularPhong = 2,
625 		billboardFixedY = 2,
626 		distanceFadePixelDither = 2,
627 		distanceFadeObjectDither = 3,
628 		textureEmission = 3,
629 		billboardParticles = 3,
630 		specularToon = 3,
631 		diffuseOrenNayar = 3,
632 		flagAlbedoFromVertexColor = 3,
633 		featureRim = 3,
634 		textureChannelAlpha = 3,
635 		blendModeMul = 3,
636 		depthDrawAlphaOpaquePrepass = 3,
637 		diffuseToon = 4,
638 		featureClearcoat = 4,
639 		textureChannelGrayscale = 4,
640 		specularDisabled = 4,
641 		flagSrgbVertexColor = 4,
642 		textureNormal = 4,
643 		flagUsePointSize = 5,
644 		featureAnisotropy = 5,
645 		textureRim = 5,
646 		featureAmbientOcclusion = 6,
647 		textureClearcoat = 6,
648 		flagFixedSize = 6,
649 		flagBillboardKeepScale = 7,
650 		textureFlowmap = 7,
651 		featureDepthMapping = 7,
652 		flagUv1UseTriplanar = 8,
653 		featureSubsuraceScattering = 8,
654 		textureAmbientOcclusion = 8,
655 		textureDepth = 9,
656 		flagUv2UseTriplanar = 9,
657 		featureTransmission = 9,
658 		flagTriplanarUseWorld = 10,
659 		featureRefraction = 10,
660 		textureSubsurfaceScattering = 10,
661 		featureDetail = 11,
662 		textureTransmission = 11,
663 		flagAoOnUv2 = 11,
664 		featureMax = 12,
665 		flagEmissionOnUv2 = 12,
666 		textureRefraction = 12,
667 		flagUseAlphaScissor = 13,
668 		textureDetailMask = 13,
669 		textureDetailAlbedo = 14,
670 		flagAlbedoTextureForceSrgb = 14,
671 		textureDetailNormal = 15,
672 		flagDontReceiveShadows = 15,
673 		textureMax = 16,
674 		flagEnsureCorrectNormals = 16,
675 		flagDisableAmbientLight = 17,
676 		flagUseShadowToOpacity = 18,
677 		flagMax = 19,
678 	}
679 	/**
681 	*/
682 	Color getAlbedo() const
683 	{
684 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
685 		return ptrcall!(Color)(GDNativeClassBinding.getAlbedo, _godot_object);
686 	}
687 	/**
689 	*/
690 	double getAlphaScissorThreshold() const
691 	{
692 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
693 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getAlphaScissorThreshold, _godot_object);
694 	}
695 	/**
697 	*/
698 	double getAnisotropy() const
699 	{
700 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
701 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getAnisotropy, _godot_object);
702 	}
703 	/**
705 	*/
706 	double getAoLightAffect() const
707 	{
708 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
709 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getAoLightAffect, _godot_object);
710 	}
711 	/**
713 	*/
714 	SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel getAoTextureChannel() const
715 	{
716 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
717 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel)(GDNativeClassBinding.getAoTextureChannel, _godot_object);
718 	}
719 	/**
721 	*/
722 	SpatialMaterial.BillboardMode getBillboardMode() const
723 	{
724 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
725 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.BillboardMode)(GDNativeClassBinding.getBillboardMode, _godot_object);
726 	}
727 	/**
729 	*/
730 	SpatialMaterial.BlendMode getBlendMode() const
731 	{
732 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
733 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.BlendMode)(GDNativeClassBinding.getBlendMode, _godot_object);
734 	}
735 	/**
737 	*/
738 	double getClearcoat() const
739 	{
740 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
741 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getClearcoat, _godot_object);
742 	}
743 	/**
745 	*/
746 	double getClearcoatGloss() const
747 	{
748 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
749 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getClearcoatGloss, _godot_object);
750 	}
751 	/**
753 	*/
754 	SpatialMaterial.CullMode getCullMode() const
755 	{
756 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
757 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.CullMode)(GDNativeClassBinding.getCullMode, _godot_object);
758 	}
759 	/**
761 	*/
762 	bool getDepthDeepParallaxFlipBinormal() const
763 	{
764 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
765 		return ptrcall!(bool)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDepthDeepParallaxFlipBinormal, _godot_object);
766 	}
767 	/**
769 	*/
770 	bool getDepthDeepParallaxFlipTangent() const
771 	{
772 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
773 		return ptrcall!(bool)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDepthDeepParallaxFlipTangent, _godot_object);
774 	}
775 	/**
777 	*/
778 	long getDepthDeepParallaxMaxLayers() const
779 	{
780 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
781 		return ptrcall!(long)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDepthDeepParallaxMaxLayers, _godot_object);
782 	}
783 	/**
785 	*/
786 	long getDepthDeepParallaxMinLayers() const
787 	{
788 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
789 		return ptrcall!(long)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDepthDeepParallaxMinLayers, _godot_object);
790 	}
791 	/**
793 	*/
794 	SpatialMaterial.DepthDrawMode getDepthDrawMode() const
795 	{
796 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
797 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.DepthDrawMode)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDepthDrawMode, _godot_object);
798 	}
799 	/**
801 	*/
802 	double getDepthScale() const
803 	{
804 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
805 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDepthScale, _godot_object);
806 	}
807 	/**
809 	*/
810 	SpatialMaterial.BlendMode getDetailBlendMode() const
811 	{
812 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
813 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.BlendMode)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDetailBlendMode, _godot_object);
814 	}
815 	/**
817 	*/
818 	SpatialMaterial.DetailUV getDetailUv() const
819 	{
820 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
821 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.DetailUV)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDetailUv, _godot_object);
822 	}
823 	/**
825 	*/
826 	SpatialMaterial.DiffuseMode getDiffuseMode() const
827 	{
828 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
829 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.DiffuseMode)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDiffuseMode, _godot_object);
830 	}
831 	/**
833 	*/
834 	SpatialMaterial.DistanceFadeMode getDistanceFade() const
835 	{
836 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
837 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.DistanceFadeMode)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDistanceFade, _godot_object);
838 	}
839 	/**
841 	*/
842 	double getDistanceFadeMaxDistance() const
843 	{
844 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
845 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDistanceFadeMaxDistance, _godot_object);
846 	}
847 	/**
849 	*/
850 	double getDistanceFadeMinDistance() const
851 	{
852 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
853 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getDistanceFadeMinDistance, _godot_object);
854 	}
855 	/**
857 	*/
858 	Color getEmission() const
859 	{
860 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
861 		return ptrcall!(Color)(GDNativeClassBinding.getEmission, _godot_object);
862 	}
863 	/**
865 	*/
866 	double getEmissionEnergy() const
867 	{
868 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
869 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getEmissionEnergy, _godot_object);
870 	}
871 	/**
873 	*/
874 	SpatialMaterial.EmissionOperator getEmissionOperator() const
875 	{
876 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
877 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.EmissionOperator)(GDNativeClassBinding.getEmissionOperator, _godot_object);
878 	}
879 	/**
880 	Returns `true`, if the specified $(D feature) is enabled.
881 	*/
882 	bool getFeature(in long feature) const
883 	{
884 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
885 		return ptrcall!(bool)(GDNativeClassBinding.getFeature, _godot_object, feature);
886 	}
887 	/**
888 	Returns `true`, if the specified flag is enabled. See $(D flags) enumerator for options.
889 	*/
890 	bool getFlag(in long flag) const
891 	{
892 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
893 		return ptrcall!(bool)(GDNativeClassBinding.getFlag, _godot_object, flag);
894 	}
895 	/**
897 	*/
898 	double getGrow() const
899 	{
900 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
901 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getGrow, _godot_object);
902 	}
903 	/**
905 	*/
906 	double getLineWidth() const
907 	{
908 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
909 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getLineWidth, _godot_object);
910 	}
911 	/**
913 	*/
914 	double getMetallic() const
915 	{
916 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
917 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getMetallic, _godot_object);
918 	}
919 	/**
921 	*/
922 	SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel getMetallicTextureChannel() const
923 	{
924 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
925 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel)(GDNativeClassBinding.getMetallicTextureChannel, _godot_object);
926 	}
927 	/**
929 	*/
930 	double getNormalScale() const
931 	{
932 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
933 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getNormalScale, _godot_object);
934 	}
935 	/**
937 	*/
938 	long getParticlesAnimHFrames() const
939 	{
940 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
941 		return ptrcall!(long)(GDNativeClassBinding.getParticlesAnimHFrames, _godot_object);
942 	}
943 	/**
945 	*/
946 	bool getParticlesAnimLoop() const
947 	{
948 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
949 		return ptrcall!(bool)(GDNativeClassBinding.getParticlesAnimLoop, _godot_object);
950 	}
951 	/**
953 	*/
954 	long getParticlesAnimVFrames() const
955 	{
956 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
957 		return ptrcall!(long)(GDNativeClassBinding.getParticlesAnimVFrames, _godot_object);
958 	}
959 	/**
961 	*/
962 	double getPointSize() const
963 	{
964 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
965 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getPointSize, _godot_object);
966 	}
967 	/**
969 	*/
970 	double getProximityFadeDistance() const
971 	{
972 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
973 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getProximityFadeDistance, _godot_object);
974 	}
975 	/**
977 	*/
978 	double getRefraction() const
979 	{
980 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
981 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getRefraction, _godot_object);
982 	}
983 	/**
985 	*/
986 	SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel getRefractionTextureChannel() const
987 	{
988 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
989 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel)(GDNativeClassBinding.getRefractionTextureChannel, _godot_object);
990 	}
991 	/**
993 	*/
994 	double getRim() const
995 	{
996 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
997 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getRim, _godot_object);
998 	}
999 	/**
1001 	*/
1002 	double getRimTint() const
1003 	{
1004 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1005 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getRimTint, _godot_object);
1006 	}
1007 	/**
1009 	*/
1010 	double getRoughness() const
1011 	{
1012 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1013 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getRoughness, _godot_object);
1014 	}
1015 	/**
1017 	*/
1018 	SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel getRoughnessTextureChannel() const
1019 	{
1020 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1021 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel)(GDNativeClassBinding.getRoughnessTextureChannel, _godot_object);
1022 	}
1023 	/**
1025 	*/
1026 	double getSpecular() const
1027 	{
1028 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1029 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getSpecular, _godot_object);
1030 	}
1031 	/**
1033 	*/
1034 	SpatialMaterial.SpecularMode getSpecularMode() const
1035 	{
1036 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1037 		return ptrcall!(SpatialMaterial.SpecularMode)(GDNativeClassBinding.getSpecularMode, _godot_object);
1038 	}
1039 	/**
1041 	*/
1042 	double getSubsurfaceScatteringStrength() const
1043 	{
1044 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1045 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getSubsurfaceScatteringStrength, _godot_object);
1046 	}
1047 	/**
1048 	Returns the $(D Texture) associated with the specified $(D textureparam).
1049 	*/
1050 	Ref!Texture getTexture(in long param) const
1051 	{
1052 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1053 		return ptrcall!(Texture)(GDNativeClassBinding.getTexture, _godot_object, param);
1054 	}
1055 	/**
1057 	*/
1058 	Color getTransmission() const
1059 	{
1060 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1061 		return ptrcall!(Color)(GDNativeClassBinding.getTransmission, _godot_object);
1062 	}
1063 	/**
1065 	*/
1066 	Vector3 getUv1Offset() const
1067 	{
1068 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1069 		return ptrcall!(Vector3)(GDNativeClassBinding.getUv1Offset, _godot_object);
1070 	}
1071 	/**
1073 	*/
1074 	Vector3 getUv1Scale() const
1075 	{
1076 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1077 		return ptrcall!(Vector3)(GDNativeClassBinding.getUv1Scale, _godot_object);
1078 	}
1079 	/**
1081 	*/
1082 	double getUv1TriplanarBlendSharpness() const
1083 	{
1084 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1085 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getUv1TriplanarBlendSharpness, _godot_object);
1086 	}
1087 	/**
1089 	*/
1090 	Vector3 getUv2Offset() const
1091 	{
1092 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1093 		return ptrcall!(Vector3)(GDNativeClassBinding.getUv2Offset, _godot_object);
1094 	}
1095 	/**
1097 	*/
1098 	Vector3 getUv2Scale() const
1099 	{
1100 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1101 		return ptrcall!(Vector3)(GDNativeClassBinding.getUv2Scale, _godot_object);
1102 	}
1103 	/**
1105 	*/
1106 	double getUv2TriplanarBlendSharpness() const
1107 	{
1108 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1109 		return ptrcall!(double)(GDNativeClassBinding.getUv2TriplanarBlendSharpness, _godot_object);
1110 	}
1111 	/**
1113 	*/
1114 	bool isDepthDeepParallaxEnabled() const
1115 	{
1116 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1117 		return ptrcall!(bool)(GDNativeClassBinding.isDepthDeepParallaxEnabled, _godot_object);
1118 	}
1119 	/**
1121 	*/
1122 	bool isGrowEnabled() const
1123 	{
1124 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1125 		return ptrcall!(bool)(GDNativeClassBinding.isGrowEnabled, _godot_object);
1126 	}
1127 	/**
1129 	*/
1130 	bool isProximityFadeEnabled() const
1131 	{
1132 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1133 		return ptrcall!(bool)(GDNativeClassBinding.isProximityFadeEnabled, _godot_object);
1134 	}
1135 	/**
1137 	*/
1138 	void setAlbedo(in Color albedo)
1139 	{
1140 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1141 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setAlbedo, _godot_object, albedo);
1142 	}
1143 	/**
1145 	*/
1146 	void setAlphaScissorThreshold(in double threshold)
1147 	{
1148 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1149 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setAlphaScissorThreshold, _godot_object, threshold);
1150 	}
1151 	/**
1153 	*/
1154 	void setAnisotropy(in double anisotropy)
1155 	{
1156 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1157 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setAnisotropy, _godot_object, anisotropy);
1158 	}
1159 	/**
1161 	*/
1162 	void setAoLightAffect(in double amount)
1163 	{
1164 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1165 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setAoLightAffect, _godot_object, amount);
1166 	}
1167 	/**
1169 	*/
1170 	void setAoTextureChannel(in long channel)
1171 	{
1172 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1173 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setAoTextureChannel, _godot_object, channel);
1174 	}
1175 	/**
1177 	*/
1178 	void setBillboardMode(in long mode)
1179 	{
1180 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1181 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setBillboardMode, _godot_object, mode);
1182 	}
1183 	/**
1185 	*/
1186 	void setBlendMode(in long blend_mode)
1187 	{
1188 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1189 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setBlendMode, _godot_object, blend_mode);
1190 	}
1191 	/**
1193 	*/
1194 	void setClearcoat(in double clearcoat)
1195 	{
1196 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1197 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setClearcoat, _godot_object, clearcoat);
1198 	}
1199 	/**
1201 	*/
1202 	void setClearcoatGloss(in double clearcoat_gloss)
1203 	{
1204 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1205 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setClearcoatGloss, _godot_object, clearcoat_gloss);
1206 	}
1207 	/**
1209 	*/
1210 	void setCullMode(in long cull_mode)
1211 	{
1212 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1213 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setCullMode, _godot_object, cull_mode);
1214 	}
1215 	/**
1217 	*/
1218 	void setDepthDeepParallax(in bool enable)
1219 	{
1220 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1221 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDepthDeepParallax, _godot_object, enable);
1222 	}
1223 	/**
1225 	*/
1226 	void setDepthDeepParallaxFlipBinormal(in bool flip)
1227 	{
1228 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1229 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDepthDeepParallaxFlipBinormal, _godot_object, flip);
1230 	}
1231 	/**
1233 	*/
1234 	void setDepthDeepParallaxFlipTangent(in bool flip)
1235 	{
1236 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1237 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDepthDeepParallaxFlipTangent, _godot_object, flip);
1238 	}
1239 	/**
1241 	*/
1242 	void setDepthDeepParallaxMaxLayers(in long layer)
1243 	{
1244 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1245 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDepthDeepParallaxMaxLayers, _godot_object, layer);
1246 	}
1247 	/**
1249 	*/
1250 	void setDepthDeepParallaxMinLayers(in long layer)
1251 	{
1252 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1253 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDepthDeepParallaxMinLayers, _godot_object, layer);
1254 	}
1255 	/**
1257 	*/
1258 	void setDepthDrawMode(in long depth_draw_mode)
1259 	{
1260 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1261 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDepthDrawMode, _godot_object, depth_draw_mode);
1262 	}
1263 	/**
1265 	*/
1266 	void setDepthScale(in double depth_scale)
1267 	{
1268 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1269 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDepthScale, _godot_object, depth_scale);
1270 	}
1271 	/**
1273 	*/
1274 	void setDetailBlendMode(in long detail_blend_mode)
1275 	{
1276 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1277 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDetailBlendMode, _godot_object, detail_blend_mode);
1278 	}
1279 	/**
1281 	*/
1282 	void setDetailUv(in long detail_uv)
1283 	{
1284 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1285 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDetailUv, _godot_object, detail_uv);
1286 	}
1287 	/**
1289 	*/
1290 	void setDiffuseMode(in long diffuse_mode)
1291 	{
1292 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1293 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDiffuseMode, _godot_object, diffuse_mode);
1294 	}
1295 	/**
1297 	*/
1298 	void setDistanceFade(in long mode)
1299 	{
1300 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1301 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDistanceFade, _godot_object, mode);
1302 	}
1303 	/**
1305 	*/
1306 	void setDistanceFadeMaxDistance(in double distance)
1307 	{
1308 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1309 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDistanceFadeMaxDistance, _godot_object, distance);
1310 	}
1311 	/**
1313 	*/
1314 	void setDistanceFadeMinDistance(in double distance)
1315 	{
1316 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1317 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setDistanceFadeMinDistance, _godot_object, distance);
1318 	}
1319 	/**
1321 	*/
1322 	void setEmission(in Color emission)
1323 	{
1324 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1325 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setEmission, _godot_object, emission);
1326 	}
1327 	/**
1329 	*/
1330 	void setEmissionEnergy(in double emission_energy)
1331 	{
1332 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1333 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setEmissionEnergy, _godot_object, emission_energy);
1334 	}
1335 	/**
1337 	*/
1338 	void setEmissionOperator(in long operator)
1339 	{
1340 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1341 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setEmissionOperator, _godot_object, operator);
1342 	}
1343 	/**
1344 	If `true`, enables the specified $(D feature). Many features that are available in $(D SpatialMaterial)s need to be enabled before use. This way the cost for using the feature is only incurred when specified. Features can also be enabled by setting the corresponding member to `true`.
1345 	*/
1346 	void setFeature(in long feature, in bool enable)
1347 	{
1348 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1349 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setFeature, _godot_object, feature, enable);
1350 	}
1351 	/**
1352 	If `true`, enables the specified flag. Flags are optional behaviour that can be turned on and off. Only one flag can be enabled at a time with this function, the flag enumerators cannot be bit-masked together to enable or disable multiple flags at once. Flags can also be enabled by setting the corresponding member to `true`. See $(D flags) enumerator for options.
1353 	*/
1354 	void setFlag(in long flag, in bool enable)
1355 	{
1356 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1357 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setFlag, _godot_object, flag, enable);
1358 	}
1359 	/**
1361 	*/
1362 	void setGrow(in double amount)
1363 	{
1364 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1365 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setGrow, _godot_object, amount);
1366 	}
1367 	/**
1369 	*/
1370 	void setGrowEnabled(in bool enable)
1371 	{
1372 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1373 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setGrowEnabled, _godot_object, enable);
1374 	}
1375 	/**
1377 	*/
1378 	void setLineWidth(in double line_width)
1379 	{
1380 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1381 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setLineWidth, _godot_object, line_width);
1382 	}
1383 	/**
1385 	*/
1386 	void setMetallic(in double metallic)
1387 	{
1388 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1389 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setMetallic, _godot_object, metallic);
1390 	}
1391 	/**
1393 	*/
1394 	void setMetallicTextureChannel(in long channel)
1395 	{
1396 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1397 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setMetallicTextureChannel, _godot_object, channel);
1398 	}
1399 	/**
1401 	*/
1402 	void setNormalScale(in double normal_scale)
1403 	{
1404 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1405 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setNormalScale, _godot_object, normal_scale);
1406 	}
1407 	/**
1409 	*/
1410 	void setParticlesAnimHFrames(in long frames)
1411 	{
1412 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1413 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setParticlesAnimHFrames, _godot_object, frames);
1414 	}
1415 	/**
1417 	*/
1418 	void setParticlesAnimLoop(in bool loop)
1419 	{
1420 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1421 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setParticlesAnimLoop, _godot_object, loop);
1422 	}
1423 	/**
1425 	*/
1426 	void setParticlesAnimVFrames(in long frames)
1427 	{
1428 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1429 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setParticlesAnimVFrames, _godot_object, frames);
1430 	}
1431 	/**
1433 	*/
1434 	void setPointSize(in double point_size)
1435 	{
1436 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1437 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setPointSize, _godot_object, point_size);
1438 	}
1439 	/**
1441 	*/
1442 	void setProximityFade(in bool enabled)
1443 	{
1444 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1445 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setProximityFade, _godot_object, enabled);
1446 	}
1447 	/**
1449 	*/
1450 	void setProximityFadeDistance(in double distance)
1451 	{
1452 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1453 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setProximityFadeDistance, _godot_object, distance);
1454 	}
1455 	/**
1457 	*/
1458 	void setRefraction(in double refraction)
1459 	{
1460 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1461 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setRefraction, _godot_object, refraction);
1462 	}
1463 	/**
1465 	*/
1466 	void setRefractionTextureChannel(in long channel)
1467 	{
1468 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1469 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setRefractionTextureChannel, _godot_object, channel);
1470 	}
1471 	/**
1473 	*/
1474 	void setRim(in double rim)
1475 	{
1476 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1477 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setRim, _godot_object, rim);
1478 	}
1479 	/**
1481 	*/
1482 	void setRimTint(in double rim_tint)
1483 	{
1484 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1485 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setRimTint, _godot_object, rim_tint);
1486 	}
1487 	/**
1489 	*/
1490 	void setRoughness(in double roughness)
1491 	{
1492 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1493 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setRoughness, _godot_object, roughness);
1494 	}
1495 	/**
1497 	*/
1498 	void setRoughnessTextureChannel(in long channel)
1499 	{
1500 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1501 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setRoughnessTextureChannel, _godot_object, channel);
1502 	}
1503 	/**
1505 	*/
1506 	void setSpecular(in double specular)
1507 	{
1508 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1509 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setSpecular, _godot_object, specular);
1510 	}
1511 	/**
1513 	*/
1514 	void setSpecularMode(in long specular_mode)
1515 	{
1516 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1517 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setSpecularMode, _godot_object, specular_mode);
1518 	}
1519 	/**
1521 	*/
1522 	void setSubsurfaceScatteringStrength(in double strength)
1523 	{
1524 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1525 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setSubsurfaceScatteringStrength, _godot_object, strength);
1526 	}
1527 	/**
1528 	Sets the $(D Texture) to be used by the specified $(D textureparam). This function is called when setting members ending in `*_texture`.
1529 	*/
1530 	void setTexture(in long param, Texture texture)
1531 	{
1532 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1533 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setTexture, _godot_object, param, texture);
1534 	}
1535 	/**
1537 	*/
1538 	void setTransmission(in Color transmission)
1539 	{
1540 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1541 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setTransmission, _godot_object, transmission);
1542 	}
1543 	/**
1545 	*/
1546 	void setUv1Offset(in Vector3 offset)
1547 	{
1548 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1549 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setUv1Offset, _godot_object, offset);
1550 	}
1551 	/**
1553 	*/
1554 	void setUv1Scale(in Vector3 scale)
1555 	{
1556 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1557 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setUv1Scale, _godot_object, scale);
1558 	}
1559 	/**
1561 	*/
1562 	void setUv1TriplanarBlendSharpness(in double sharpness)
1563 	{
1564 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1565 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setUv1TriplanarBlendSharpness, _godot_object, sharpness);
1566 	}
1567 	/**
1569 	*/
1570 	void setUv2Offset(in Vector3 offset)
1571 	{
1572 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1573 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setUv2Offset, _godot_object, offset);
1574 	}
1575 	/**
1577 	*/
1578 	void setUv2Scale(in Vector3 scale)
1579 	{
1580 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1581 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setUv2Scale, _godot_object, scale);
1582 	}
1583 	/**
1585 	*/
1586 	void setUv2TriplanarBlendSharpness(in double sharpness)
1587 	{
1588 		checkClassBinding!(typeof(this))();
1589 		ptrcall!(void)(GDNativeClassBinding.setUv2TriplanarBlendSharpness, _godot_object, sharpness);
1590 	}
1591 	/**
1592 	The material's base color.
1593 	*/
1594 	@property Color albedoColor()
1595 	{
1596 		return getAlbedo();
1597 	}
1598 	/// ditto
1599 	@property void albedoColor(Color v)
1600 	{
1601 		setAlbedo(v);
1602 	}
1603 	/**
1604 	Texture to multiply by $(D albedoColor). Used for basic texturing of objects.
1605 	*/
1606 	@property Texture albedoTexture()
1607 	{
1608 		return getTexture(0);
1609 	}
1610 	/// ditto
1611 	@property void albedoTexture(Texture v)
1612 	{
1613 		setTexture(0, v);
1614 	}
1615 	/**
1616 	The strength of the anisotropy effect.
1617 	*/
1618 	@property double anisotropy()
1619 	{
1620 		return getAnisotropy();
1621 	}
1622 	/// ditto
1623 	@property void anisotropy(double v)
1624 	{
1625 		setAnisotropy(v);
1626 	}
1627 	/**
1628 	If `true`, anisotropy is enabled. Changes the shape of the specular blob and aligns it to tangent space. Mesh tangents are needed for this to work. If the mesh does not contain tangents the anisotropy effect will appear broken.
1629 	*/
1630 	@property bool anisotropyEnabled()
1631 	{
1632 		return getFeature(5);
1633 	}
1634 	/// ditto
1635 	@property void anisotropyEnabled(bool v)
1636 	{
1637 		setFeature(5, v);
1638 	}
1639 	/**
1640 	Texture that offsets the tangent map for anisotropy calculations.
1641 	*/
1642 	@property Texture anisotropyFlowmap()
1643 	{
1644 		return getTexture(7);
1645 	}
1646 	/// ditto
1647 	@property void anisotropyFlowmap(Texture v)
1648 	{
1649 		setTexture(7, v);
1650 	}
1651 	/**
1652 	If `true`, ambient occlusion is enabled. Ambient occlusion darkens areas based on the $(D aoTexture).
1653 	*/
1654 	@property bool aoEnabled()
1655 	{
1656 		return getFeature(6);
1657 	}
1658 	/// ditto
1659 	@property void aoEnabled(bool v)
1660 	{
1661 		setFeature(6, v);
1662 	}
1663 	/**
1664 	Amount that ambient occlusion affects lighting from lights. If `0`, ambient occlusion only affects ambient light. If `1`, ambient occlusion affects lights just as much as it affects ambient light. This can be used to impact the strength of the ambient occlusion effect, but typically looks unrealistic.
1665 	*/
1666 	@property double aoLightAffect()
1667 	{
1668 		return getAoLightAffect();
1669 	}
1670 	/// ditto
1671 	@property void aoLightAffect(double v)
1672 	{
1673 		setAoLightAffect(v);
1674 	}
1675 	/**
1676 	If `true`, use `UV2` coordinates to look up from the $(D aoTexture).
1677 	*/
1678 	@property bool aoOnUv2()
1679 	{
1680 		return getFlag(11);
1681 	}
1682 	/// ditto
1683 	@property void aoOnUv2(bool v)
1684 	{
1685 		setFlag(11, v);
1686 	}
1687 	/**
1688 	Texture that defines the amount of ambient occlusion for a given point on the object.
1689 	*/
1690 	@property Texture aoTexture()
1691 	{
1692 		return getTexture(8);
1693 	}
1694 	/// ditto
1695 	@property void aoTexture(Texture v)
1696 	{
1697 		setTexture(8, v);
1698 	}
1699 	/**
1700 	Specifies the channel of the $(D aoTexture) in which the ambient occlusion information is stored. This is useful when you store the information for multiple effects in a single texture. For example if you stored metallic in the red channel, roughness in the blue, and ambient occlusion in the green you could reduce the number of textures you use.
1701 	*/
1702 	@property SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel aoTextureChannel()
1703 	{
1704 		return getAoTextureChannel();
1705 	}
1706 	/// ditto
1707 	@property void aoTextureChannel(long v)
1708 	{
1709 		setAoTextureChannel(v);
1710 	}
1711 	/**
1712 	Sets the strength of the clearcoat effect. Setting to `0` looks the same as disabling the clearcoat effect.
1713 	*/
1714 	@property double clearcoat()
1715 	{
1716 		return getClearcoat();
1717 	}
1718 	/// ditto
1719 	@property void clearcoat(double v)
1720 	{
1721 		setClearcoat(v);
1722 	}
1723 	/**
1724 	If `true`, clearcoat rendering is enabled. Adds a secondary transparent pass to the lighting calculation resulting in an added specular blob. This makes materials appear as if they have a clear layer on them that can be either glossy or rough.
1725 	$(B Note:) Clearcoat rendering is not visible if the material has $(D flagsUnshaded) set to `true`.
1726 	*/
1727 	@property bool clearcoatEnabled()
1728 	{
1729 		return getFeature(4);
1730 	}
1731 	/// ditto
1732 	@property void clearcoatEnabled(bool v)
1733 	{
1734 		setFeature(4, v);
1735 	}
1736 	/**
1737 	Sets the roughness of the clearcoat pass. A higher value results in a smoother clearcoat while a lower value results in a rougher clearcoat.
1738 	*/
1739 	@property double clearcoatGloss()
1740 	{
1741 		return getClearcoatGloss();
1742 	}
1743 	/// ditto
1744 	@property void clearcoatGloss(double v)
1745 	{
1746 		setClearcoatGloss(v);
1747 	}
1748 	/**
1749 	Texture that defines the strength of the clearcoat effect and the glossiness of the clearcoat. Strength is specified in the red channel while glossiness is specified in the green channel.
1750 	*/
1751 	@property Texture clearcoatTexture()
1752 	{
1753 		return getTexture(6);
1754 	}
1755 	/// ditto
1756 	@property void clearcoatTexture(Texture v)
1757 	{
1758 		setTexture(6, v);
1759 	}
1760 	/**
1761 	If `true`, the shader will read depth texture at multiple points along the view ray to determine occlusion and parrallax. This can be very performance demanding, but results in more realistic looking depth mapping.
1762 	*/
1763 	@property bool depthDeepParallax()
1764 	{
1765 		return isDepthDeepParallaxEnabled();
1766 	}
1767 	/// ditto
1768 	@property void depthDeepParallax(bool v)
1769 	{
1770 		setDepthDeepParallax(v);
1771 	}
1772 	/**
1773 	If `true`, depth mapping is enabled (also called "parallax mapping" or "height mapping"). See also $(D normalEnabled).
1774 	$(B Note:) Depth mapping is not supported if triplanar mapping is used on the same material. The value of $(D depthEnabled) will be ignored if $(D uv1Triplanar) is enabled.
1775 	*/
1776 	@property bool depthEnabled()
1777 	{
1778 		return getFeature(7);
1779 	}
1780 	/// ditto
1781 	@property void depthEnabled(bool v)
1782 	{
1783 		setFeature(7, v);
1784 	}
1785 	/**
1786 	If `true`, direction of the binormal is flipped before using in the depth effect. This may be necessary if you have encoded your binormals in a way that is conflicting with the depth effect.
1787 	*/
1788 	@property bool depthFlipBinormal()
1789 	{
1790 		return getDepthDeepParallaxFlipBinormal();
1791 	}
1792 	/// ditto
1793 	@property void depthFlipBinormal(bool v)
1794 	{
1795 		setDepthDeepParallaxFlipBinormal(v);
1796 	}
1797 	/**
1798 	If `true`, direction of the tangent is flipped before using in the depth effect. This may be necessary if you have encoded your tangents in a way that is conflicting with the depth effect.
1799 	*/
1800 	@property bool depthFlipTangent()
1801 	{
1802 		return getDepthDeepParallaxFlipTangent();
1803 	}
1804 	/// ditto
1805 	@property void depthFlipTangent(bool v)
1806 	{
1807 		setDepthDeepParallaxFlipTangent(v);
1808 	}
1809 	/**
1810 	Number of layers to use when using $(D depthDeepParallax) and the view direction is perpendicular to the surface of the object. A higher number will be more performance demanding while a lower number may not look as crisp.
1811 	*/
1812 	@property long depthMaxLayers()
1813 	{
1814 		return getDepthDeepParallaxMaxLayers();
1815 	}
1816 	/// ditto
1817 	@property void depthMaxLayers(long v)
1818 	{
1819 		setDepthDeepParallaxMaxLayers(v);
1820 	}
1821 	/**
1822 	Number of layers to use when using $(D depthDeepParallax) and the view direction is parallel to the surface of the object. A higher number will be more performance demanding while a lower number may not look as crisp.
1823 	*/
1824 	@property long depthMinLayers()
1825 	{
1826 		return getDepthDeepParallaxMinLayers();
1827 	}
1828 	/// ditto
1829 	@property void depthMinLayers(long v)
1830 	{
1831 		setDepthDeepParallaxMinLayers(v);
1832 	}
1833 	/**
1834 	Scales the depth offset effect. A higher number will create a larger depth.
1835 	*/
1836 	@property double depthScale()
1837 	{
1838 		return getDepthScale();
1839 	}
1840 	/// ditto
1841 	@property void depthScale(double v)
1842 	{
1843 		setDepthScale(v);
1844 	}
1845 	/**
1846 	Texture used to determine depth at a given pixel. Depth is always stored in the red channel.
1847 	*/
1848 	@property Texture depthTexture()
1849 	{
1850 		return getTexture(9);
1851 	}
1852 	/// ditto
1853 	@property void depthTexture(Texture v)
1854 	{
1855 		setTexture(9, v);
1856 	}
1857 	/**
1858 	Texture that specifies the color of the detail overlay.
1859 	*/
1860 	@property Texture detailAlbedo()
1861 	{
1862 		return getTexture(14);
1863 	}
1864 	/// ditto
1865 	@property void detailAlbedo(Texture v)
1866 	{
1867 		setTexture(14, v);
1868 	}
1869 	/**
1870 	Specifies how the $(D detailAlbedo) should blend with the current `ALBEDO`. See $(D blendmode) for options.
1871 	*/
1872 	@property SpatialMaterial.BlendMode detailBlendMode()
1873 	{
1874 		return getDetailBlendMode();
1875 	}
1876 	/// ditto
1877 	@property void detailBlendMode(long v)
1878 	{
1879 		setDetailBlendMode(v);
1880 	}
1881 	/**
1882 	If `true`, enables the detail overlay. Detail is a second texture that gets mixed over the surface of the object based on $(D detailMask). This can be used to add variation to objects, or to blend between two different albedo/normal textures.
1883 	*/
1884 	@property bool detailEnabled()
1885 	{
1886 		return getFeature(11);
1887 	}
1888 	/// ditto
1889 	@property void detailEnabled(bool v)
1890 	{
1891 		setFeature(11, v);
1892 	}
1893 	/**
1894 	Texture used to specify how the detail textures get blended with the base textures.
1895 	*/
1896 	@property Texture detailMask()
1897 	{
1898 		return getTexture(13);
1899 	}
1900 	/// ditto
1901 	@property void detailMask(Texture v)
1902 	{
1903 		setTexture(13, v);
1904 	}
1905 	/**
1906 	Texture that specifies the per-pixel normal of the detail overlay.
1907 	$(B Note:) Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See $(D url=http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Normal_Map_Technical_Details#Common_Swizzle_Coordinates)this page$(D /url) for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.
1908 	*/
1909 	@property Texture detailNormal()
1910 	{
1911 		return getTexture(15);
1912 	}
1913 	/// ditto
1914 	@property void detailNormal(Texture v)
1915 	{
1916 		setTexture(15, v);
1917 	}
1918 	/**
1919 	Specifies whether to use `UV` or `UV2` for the detail layer. See $(D detailuv) for options.
1920 	*/
1921 	@property SpatialMaterial.DetailUV detailUvLayer()
1922 	{
1923 		return getDetailUv();
1924 	}
1925 	/// ditto
1926 	@property void detailUvLayer(long v)
1927 	{
1928 		setDetailUv(v);
1929 	}
1930 	/**
1931 	Distance at which the object appears fully opaque.
1932 	$(B Note:) If `distance_fade_max_distance` is less than `distance_fade_min_distance`, the behavior will be reversed. The object will start to fade away at `distance_fade_max_distance` and will fully disappear once it reaches `distance_fade_min_distance`.
1933 	*/
1934 	@property double distanceFadeMaxDistance()
1935 	{
1936 		return getDistanceFadeMaxDistance();
1937 	}
1938 	/// ditto
1939 	@property void distanceFadeMaxDistance(double v)
1940 	{
1941 		setDistanceFadeMaxDistance(v);
1942 	}
1943 	/**
1944 	Distance at which the object starts to become visible. If the object is less than this distance away, it will be invisible.
1945 	$(B Note:) If `distance_fade_min_distance` is greater than `distance_fade_max_distance`, the behavior will be reversed. The object will start to fade away at `distance_fade_max_distance` and will fully disappear once it reaches `distance_fade_min_distance`.
1946 	*/
1947 	@property double distanceFadeMinDistance()
1948 	{
1949 		return getDistanceFadeMinDistance();
1950 	}
1951 	/// ditto
1952 	@property void distanceFadeMinDistance(double v)
1953 	{
1954 		setDistanceFadeMinDistance(v);
1955 	}
1956 	/**
1957 	Specifies which type of fade to use. Can be any of the $(D distancefademode)s.
1958 	*/
1959 	@property SpatialMaterial.DistanceFadeMode distanceFadeMode()
1960 	{
1961 		return getDistanceFade();
1962 	}
1963 	/// ditto
1964 	@property void distanceFadeMode(long v)
1965 	{
1966 		setDistanceFade(v);
1967 	}
1968 	/**
1969 	The emitted light's color. See $(D emissionEnabled).
1970 	*/
1971 	@property Color emission()
1972 	{
1973 		return getEmission();
1974 	}
1975 	/// ditto
1976 	@property void emission(Color v)
1977 	{
1978 		setEmission(v);
1979 	}
1980 	/**
1981 	If `true`, the body emits light. Emitting light makes the object appear brighter. The object can also cast light on other objects if a $(D GIProbe) or $(D BakedLightmap) is used and this object is used in baked lighting.
1982 	*/
1983 	@property bool emissionEnabled()
1984 	{
1985 		return getFeature(1);
1986 	}
1987 	/// ditto
1988 	@property void emissionEnabled(bool v)
1989 	{
1990 		setFeature(1, v);
1991 	}
1992 	/**
1993 	The emitted light's strength. See $(D emissionEnabled).
1994 	*/
1995 	@property double emissionEnergy()
1996 	{
1997 		return getEmissionEnergy();
1998 	}
1999 	/// ditto
2000 	@property void emissionEnergy(double v)
2001 	{
2002 		setEmissionEnergy(v);
2003 	}
2004 	/**
2005 	Use `UV2` to read from the $(D emissionTexture).
2006 	*/
2007 	@property bool emissionOnUv2()
2008 	{
2009 		return getFlag(12);
2010 	}
2011 	/// ditto
2012 	@property void emissionOnUv2(bool v)
2013 	{
2014 		setFlag(12, v);
2015 	}
2016 	/**
2017 	Sets how $(D emission) interacts with $(D emissionTexture). Can either add or multiply. See $(D emissionoperator) for options.
2018 	*/
2019 	@property SpatialMaterial.EmissionOperator emissionOperator()
2020 	{
2021 		return getEmissionOperator();
2022 	}
2023 	/// ditto
2024 	@property void emissionOperator(long v)
2025 	{
2026 		setEmissionOperator(v);
2027 	}
2028 	/**
2029 	Texture that specifies how much surface emits light at a given point.
2030 	*/
2031 	@property Texture emissionTexture()
2032 	{
2033 		return getTexture(3);
2034 	}
2035 	/// ditto
2036 	@property void emissionTexture(Texture v)
2037 	{
2038 		setTexture(3, v);
2039 	}
2040 	/**
2041 	Forces a conversion of the $(D albedoTexture) from sRGB space to linear space.
2042 	*/
2043 	@property bool flagsAlbedoTexForceSrgb()
2044 	{
2045 		return getFlag(14);
2046 	}
2047 	/// ditto
2048 	@property void flagsAlbedoTexForceSrgb(bool v)
2049 	{
2050 		setFlag(14, v);
2051 	}
2052 	/**
2053 	If `true`, the object receives no ambient light.
2054 	*/
2055 	@property bool flagsDisableAmbientLight()
2056 	{
2057 		return getFlag(17);
2058 	}
2059 	/// ditto
2060 	@property void flagsDisableAmbientLight(bool v)
2061 	{
2062 		setFlag(17, v);
2063 	}
2064 	/**
2065 	If `true`, the object receives no shadow that would otherwise be cast onto it.
2066 	*/
2067 	@property bool flagsDoNotReceiveShadows()
2068 	{
2069 		return getFlag(15);
2070 	}
2071 	/// ditto
2072 	@property void flagsDoNotReceiveShadows(bool v)
2073 	{
2074 		setFlag(15, v);
2075 	}
2076 	/**
2077 	If `true`, the shader will compute extra operations to make sure the normal stays correct when using a non-uniform scale. Only enable if using non-uniform scaling.
2078 	*/
2079 	@property bool flagsEnsureCorrectNormals()
2080 	{
2081 		return getFlag(16);
2082 	}
2083 	/// ditto
2084 	@property void flagsEnsureCorrectNormals(bool v)
2085 	{
2086 		setFlag(16, v);
2087 	}
2088 	/**
2089 	If `true`, the object is rendered at the same size regardless of distance.
2090 	*/
2091 	@property bool flagsFixedSize()
2092 	{
2093 		return getFlag(6);
2094 	}
2095 	/// ditto
2096 	@property void flagsFixedSize(bool v)
2097 	{
2098 		setFlag(6, v);
2099 	}
2100 	/**
2101 	If `true`, depth testing is disabled and the object will be drawn in render order.
2102 	*/
2103 	@property bool flagsNoDepthTest()
2104 	{
2105 		return getFlag(2);
2106 	}
2107 	/// ditto
2108 	@property void flagsNoDepthTest(bool v)
2109 	{
2110 		setFlag(2, v);
2111 	}
2112 	/**
2113 	If `true`, transparency is enabled on the body. See also $(D paramsBlendMode).
2114 	*/
2115 	@property bool flagsTransparent()
2116 	{
2117 		return getFeature(0);
2118 	}
2119 	/// ditto
2120 	@property void flagsTransparent(bool v)
2121 	{
2122 		setFeature(0, v);
2123 	}
2124 	/**
2125 	If `true`, the object is unaffected by lighting.
2126 	*/
2127 	@property bool flagsUnshaded()
2128 	{
2129 		return getFlag(0);
2130 	}
2131 	/// ditto
2132 	@property void flagsUnshaded(bool v)
2133 	{
2134 		setFlag(0, v);
2135 	}
2136 	/**
2137 	If `true`, render point size can be changed.
2138 	$(B Note:) this is only effective for objects whose geometry is point-based rather than triangle-based. See also $(D paramsPointSize).
2139 	*/
2140 	@property bool flagsUsePointSize()
2141 	{
2142 		return getFlag(5);
2143 	}
2144 	/// ditto
2145 	@property void flagsUsePointSize(bool v)
2146 	{
2147 		setFlag(5, v);
2148 	}
2149 	/**
2150 	If `true`, enables the "shadow to opacity" render mode where lighting modifies the alpha so shadowed areas are opaque and non-shadowed areas are transparent. Useful for overlaying shadows onto a camera feed in AR.
2151 	*/
2152 	@property bool flagsUseShadowToOpacity()
2153 	{
2154 		return getFlag(18);
2155 	}
2156 	/// ditto
2157 	@property void flagsUseShadowToOpacity(bool v)
2158 	{
2159 		setFlag(18, v);
2160 	}
2161 	/**
2162 	If `true`, lighting is calculated per vertex rather than per pixel. This may increase performance on low-end devices.
2163 	*/
2164 	@property bool flagsVertexLighting()
2165 	{
2166 		return getFlag(1);
2167 	}
2168 	/// ditto
2169 	@property void flagsVertexLighting(bool v)
2170 	{
2171 		setFlag(1, v);
2172 	}
2173 	/**
2174 	If `true`, triplanar mapping is calculated in world space rather than object local space. See also $(D uv1Triplanar).
2175 	*/
2176 	@property bool flagsWorldTriplanar()
2177 	{
2178 		return getFlag(10);
2179 	}
2180 	/// ditto
2181 	@property void flagsWorldTriplanar(bool v)
2182 	{
2183 		setFlag(10, v);
2184 	}
2185 	/**
2186 	A high value makes the material appear more like a metal. Non-metals use their albedo as the diffuse color and add diffuse to the specular reflection. With non-metals, the reflection appears on top of the albedo color. Metals use their albedo as a multiplier to the specular reflection and set the diffuse color to black resulting in a tinted reflection. Materials work better when fully metal or fully non-metal, values between `0` and `1` should only be used for blending between metal and non-metal sections. To alter the amount of reflection use $(D roughness).
2187 	*/
2188 	@property double metallic()
2189 	{
2190 		return getMetallic();
2191 	}
2192 	/// ditto
2193 	@property void metallic(double v)
2194 	{
2195 		setMetallic(v);
2196 	}
2197 	/**
2198 	Sets the size of the specular lobe. The specular lobe is the bright spot that is reflected from light sources.
2199 	$(B Note:) unlike $(D metallic), this is not energy-conserving, so it should be left at `0.5` in most cases. See also $(D roughness).
2200 	*/
2201 	@property double metallicSpecular()
2202 	{
2203 		return getSpecular();
2204 	}
2205 	/// ditto
2206 	@property void metallicSpecular(double v)
2207 	{
2208 		setSpecular(v);
2209 	}
2210 	/**
2211 	Texture used to specify metallic for an object. This is multiplied by $(D metallic).
2212 	*/
2213 	@property Texture metallicTexture()
2214 	{
2215 		return getTexture(1);
2216 	}
2217 	/// ditto
2218 	@property void metallicTexture(Texture v)
2219 	{
2220 		setTexture(1, v);
2221 	}
2222 	/**
2223 	Specifies the channel of the $(D metallicTexture) in which the metallic information is stored. This is useful when you store the information for multiple effects in a single texture. For example if you stored metallic in the red channel, roughness in the blue, and ambient occlusion in the green you could reduce the number of textures you use.
2224 	*/
2225 	@property SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel metallicTextureChannel()
2226 	{
2227 		return getMetallicTextureChannel();
2228 	}
2229 	/// ditto
2230 	@property void metallicTextureChannel(long v)
2231 	{
2232 		setMetallicTextureChannel(v);
2233 	}
2234 	/**
2235 	If `true`, normal mapping is enabled.
2236 	*/
2237 	@property bool normalEnabled()
2238 	{
2239 		return getFeature(2);
2240 	}
2241 	/// ditto
2242 	@property void normalEnabled(bool v)
2243 	{
2244 		setFeature(2, v);
2245 	}
2246 	/**
2247 	The strength of the normal map's effect.
2248 	*/
2249 	@property double normalScale()
2250 	{
2251 		return getNormalScale();
2252 	}
2253 	/// ditto
2254 	@property void normalScale(double v)
2255 	{
2256 		setNormalScale(v);
2257 	}
2258 	/**
2259 	Texture used to specify the normal at a given pixel. The `normal_texture` only uses the red and green channels. The normal read from `normal_texture` is oriented around the surface normal provided by the $(D Mesh).
2260 	$(B Note:) Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See $(D url=http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Normal_Map_Technical_Details#Common_Swizzle_Coordinates)this page$(D /url) for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.
2261 	*/
2262 	@property Texture normalTexture()
2263 	{
2264 		return getTexture(4);
2265 	}
2266 	/// ditto
2267 	@property void normalTexture(Texture v)
2268 	{
2269 		setTexture(4, v);
2270 	}
2271 	/**
2272 	Threshold at which the alpha scissor will discard values.
2273 	*/
2274 	@property double paramsAlphaScissorThreshold()
2275 	{
2276 		return getAlphaScissorThreshold();
2277 	}
2278 	/// ditto
2279 	@property void paramsAlphaScissorThreshold(double v)
2280 	{
2281 		setAlphaScissorThreshold(v);
2282 	}
2283 	/**
2284 	If `true`, the shader will keep the scale set for the mesh. Otherwise the scale is lost when billboarding. Only applies when $(D paramsBillboardMode) is $(D constant BILLBOARD_ENABLED).
2285 	*/
2286 	@property bool paramsBillboardKeepScale()
2287 	{
2288 		return getFlag(7);
2289 	}
2290 	/// ditto
2291 	@property void paramsBillboardKeepScale(bool v)
2292 	{
2293 		setFlag(7, v);
2294 	}
2295 	/**
2296 	Controls how the object faces the camera. See $(D billboardmode).
2297 	$(B Note:) Billboard mode is not suitable for VR because the left-right vector of the camera is not horizontal when the screen is attached to your head instead of on the table. See $(D url=https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/41567)GitHub issue #41567$(D /url) for details.
2298 	*/
2299 	@property SpatialMaterial.BillboardMode paramsBillboardMode()
2300 	{
2301 		return getBillboardMode();
2302 	}
2303 	/// ditto
2304 	@property void paramsBillboardMode(long v)
2305 	{
2306 		setBillboardMode(v);
2307 	}
2308 	/**
2309 	The material's blend mode.
2310 	$(B Note:) Values other than `Mix` force the object into the transparent pipeline. See $(D blendmode).
2311 	*/
2312 	@property SpatialMaterial.BlendMode paramsBlendMode()
2313 	{
2314 		return getBlendMode();
2315 	}
2316 	/// ditto
2317 	@property void paramsBlendMode(long v)
2318 	{
2319 		setBlendMode(v);
2320 	}
2321 	/**
2322 	Which side of the object is not drawn when backfaces are rendered. See $(D cullmode).
2323 	*/
2324 	@property SpatialMaterial.CullMode paramsCullMode()
2325 	{
2326 		return getCullMode();
2327 	}
2328 	/// ditto
2329 	@property void paramsCullMode(long v)
2330 	{
2331 		setCullMode(v);
2332 	}
2333 	/**
2334 	Determines when depth rendering takes place. See $(D depthdrawmode). See also $(D flagsTransparent).
2335 	*/
2336 	@property SpatialMaterial.DepthDrawMode paramsDepthDrawMode()
2337 	{
2338 		return getDepthDrawMode();
2339 	}
2340 	/// ditto
2341 	@property void paramsDepthDrawMode(long v)
2342 	{
2343 		setDepthDrawMode(v);
2344 	}
2345 	/**
2346 	The algorithm used for diffuse light scattering. See $(D diffusemode).
2347 	*/
2348 	@property SpatialMaterial.DiffuseMode paramsDiffuseMode()
2349 	{
2350 		return getDiffuseMode();
2351 	}
2352 	/// ditto
2353 	@property void paramsDiffuseMode(long v)
2354 	{
2355 		setDiffuseMode(v);
2356 	}
2357 	/**
2358 	If `true`, enables the vertex grow setting. See $(D paramsGrowAmount).
2359 	*/
2360 	@property bool paramsGrow()
2361 	{
2362 		return isGrowEnabled();
2363 	}
2364 	/// ditto
2365 	@property void paramsGrow(bool v)
2366 	{
2367 		setGrowEnabled(v);
2368 	}
2369 	/**
2370 	Grows object vertices in the direction of their normals.
2371 	*/
2372 	@property double paramsGrowAmount()
2373 	{
2374 		return getGrow();
2375 	}
2376 	/// ditto
2377 	@property void paramsGrowAmount(double v)
2378 	{
2379 		setGrow(v);
2380 	}
2381 	/**
2382 	Currently unimplemented in Godot.
2383 	*/
2384 	@property double paramsLineWidth()
2385 	{
2386 		return getLineWidth();
2387 	}
2388 	/// ditto
2389 	@property void paramsLineWidth(double v)
2390 	{
2391 		setLineWidth(v);
2392 	}
2393 	/**
2394 	The point size in pixels. See $(D flagsUsePointSize).
2395 	*/
2396 	@property double paramsPointSize()
2397 	{
2398 		return getPointSize();
2399 	}
2400 	/// ditto
2401 	@property void paramsPointSize(double v)
2402 	{
2403 		setPointSize(v);
2404 	}
2405 	/**
2406 	The method for rendering the specular blob. See $(D specularmode).
2407 	*/
2408 	@property SpatialMaterial.SpecularMode paramsSpecularMode()
2409 	{
2410 		return getSpecularMode();
2411 	}
2412 	/// ditto
2413 	@property void paramsSpecularMode(long v)
2414 	{
2415 		setSpecularMode(v);
2416 	}
2417 	/**
2418 	If `true`, the shader will discard all pixels that have an alpha value less than $(D paramsAlphaScissorThreshold).
2419 	*/
2420 	@property bool paramsUseAlphaScissor()
2421 	{
2422 		return getFlag(13);
2423 	}
2424 	/// ditto
2425 	@property void paramsUseAlphaScissor(bool v)
2426 	{
2427 		setFlag(13, v);
2428 	}
2429 	/**
2430 	The number of horizontal frames in the particle sprite sheet. Only enabled when using $(D constant BILLBOARD_PARTICLES). See $(D paramsBillboardMode).
2431 	*/
2432 	@property long particlesAnimHFrames()
2433 	{
2434 		return getParticlesAnimHFrames();
2435 	}
2436 	/// ditto
2437 	@property void particlesAnimHFrames(long v)
2438 	{
2439 		setParticlesAnimHFrames(v);
2440 	}
2441 	/**
2442 	If `true`, particle animations are looped. Only enabled when using $(D constant BILLBOARD_PARTICLES). See $(D paramsBillboardMode).
2443 	*/
2444 	@property bool particlesAnimLoop()
2445 	{
2446 		return getParticlesAnimLoop();
2447 	}
2448 	/// ditto
2449 	@property void particlesAnimLoop(bool v)
2450 	{
2451 		setParticlesAnimLoop(v);
2452 	}
2453 	/**
2454 	The number of vertical frames in the particle sprite sheet. Only enabled when using $(D constant BILLBOARD_PARTICLES). See $(D paramsBillboardMode).
2455 	*/
2456 	@property long particlesAnimVFrames()
2457 	{
2458 		return getParticlesAnimVFrames();
2459 	}
2460 	/// ditto
2461 	@property void particlesAnimVFrames(long v)
2462 	{
2463 		setParticlesAnimVFrames(v);
2464 	}
2465 	/**
2466 	Distance over which the fade effect takes place. The larger the distance the longer it takes for an object to fade.
2467 	*/
2468 	@property double proximityFadeDistance()
2469 	{
2470 		return getProximityFadeDistance();
2471 	}
2472 	/// ditto
2473 	@property void proximityFadeDistance(double v)
2474 	{
2475 		setProximityFadeDistance(v);
2476 	}
2477 	/**
2478 	If `true`, the proximity fade effect is enabled. The proximity fade effect fades out each pixel based on its distance to another object.
2479 	*/
2480 	@property bool proximityFadeEnable()
2481 	{
2482 		return isProximityFadeEnabled();
2483 	}
2484 	/// ditto
2485 	@property void proximityFadeEnable(bool v)
2486 	{
2487 		setProximityFade(v);
2488 	}
2489 	/**
2490 	If `true`, the refraction effect is enabled. Distorts transparency based on light from behind the object.
2491 	*/
2492 	@property bool refractionEnabled()
2493 	{
2494 		return getFeature(10);
2495 	}
2496 	/// ditto
2497 	@property void refractionEnabled(bool v)
2498 	{
2499 		setFeature(10, v);
2500 	}
2501 	/**
2502 	The strength of the refraction effect.
2503 	*/
2504 	@property double refractionScale()
2505 	{
2506 		return getRefraction();
2507 	}
2508 	/// ditto
2509 	@property void refractionScale(double v)
2510 	{
2511 		setRefraction(v);
2512 	}
2513 	/**
2514 	Texture that controls the strength of the refraction per-pixel. Multiplied by $(D refractionScale).
2515 	*/
2516 	@property Texture refractionTexture()
2517 	{
2518 		return getTexture(12);
2519 	}
2520 	/// ditto
2521 	@property void refractionTexture(Texture v)
2522 	{
2523 		setTexture(12, v);
2524 	}
2525 	/**
2526 	Specifies the channel of the $(D aoTexture) in which the ambient occlusion information is stored. This is useful when you store the information for multiple effects in a single texture. For example if you stored metallic in the red channel, roughness in the blue, and ambient occlusion in the green you could reduce the number of textures you use.
2527 	*/
2528 	@property SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel refractionTextureChannel()
2529 	{
2530 		return getRefractionTextureChannel();
2531 	}
2532 	/// ditto
2533 	@property void refractionTextureChannel(long v)
2534 	{
2535 		setRefractionTextureChannel(v);
2536 	}
2537 	/**
2538 	Sets the strength of the rim lighting effect.
2539 	*/
2540 	@property double rim()
2541 	{
2542 		return getRim();
2543 	}
2544 	/// ditto
2545 	@property void rim(double v)
2546 	{
2547 		setRim(v);
2548 	}
2549 	/**
2550 	If `true`, rim effect is enabled. Rim lighting increases the brightness at glancing angles on an object.
2551 	$(B Note:) Rim lighting is not visible if the material has $(D flagsUnshaded) set to `true`.
2552 	*/
2553 	@property bool rimEnabled()
2554 	{
2555 		return getFeature(3);
2556 	}
2557 	/// ditto
2558 	@property void rimEnabled(bool v)
2559 	{
2560 		setFeature(3, v);
2561 	}
2562 	/**
2563 	Texture used to set the strength of the rim lighting effect per-pixel. Multiplied by $(D rim).
2564 	*/
2565 	@property Texture rimTexture()
2566 	{
2567 		return getTexture(5);
2568 	}
2569 	/// ditto
2570 	@property void rimTexture(Texture v)
2571 	{
2572 		setTexture(5, v);
2573 	}
2574 	/**
2575 	The amount of to blend light and albedo color when rendering rim effect. If `0` the light color is used, while `1` means albedo color is used. An intermediate value generally works best.
2576 	*/
2577 	@property double rimTint()
2578 	{
2579 		return getRimTint();
2580 	}
2581 	/// ditto
2582 	@property void rimTint(double v)
2583 	{
2584 		setRimTint(v);
2585 	}
2586 	/**
2587 	Surface reflection. A value of `0` represents a perfect mirror while a value of `1` completely blurs the reflection. See also $(D metallic).
2588 	*/
2589 	@property double roughness()
2590 	{
2591 		return getRoughness();
2592 	}
2593 	/// ditto
2594 	@property void roughness(double v)
2595 	{
2596 		setRoughness(v);
2597 	}
2598 	/**
2599 	Texture used to control the roughness per-pixel. Multiplied by $(D roughness).
2600 	*/
2601 	@property Texture roughnessTexture()
2602 	{
2603 		return getTexture(2);
2604 	}
2605 	/// ditto
2606 	@property void roughnessTexture(Texture v)
2607 	{
2608 		setTexture(2, v);
2609 	}
2610 	/**
2611 	Specifies the channel of the $(D aoTexture) in which the ambient occlusion information is stored. This is useful when you store the information for multiple effects in a single texture. For example if you stored metallic in the red channel, roughness in the blue, and ambient occlusion in the green you could reduce the number of textures you use.
2612 	*/
2613 	@property SpatialMaterial.TextureChannel roughnessTextureChannel()
2614 	{
2615 		return getRoughnessTextureChannel();
2616 	}
2617 	/// ditto
2618 	@property void roughnessTextureChannel(long v)
2619 	{
2620 		setRoughnessTextureChannel(v);
2621 	}
2622 	/**
2623 	If `true`, subsurface scattering is enabled. Emulates light that penetrates an object's surface, is scattered, and then emerges.
2624 	*/
2625 	@property bool subsurfScatterEnabled()
2626 	{
2627 		return getFeature(8);
2628 	}
2629 	/// ditto
2630 	@property void subsurfScatterEnabled(bool v)
2631 	{
2632 		setFeature(8, v);
2633 	}
2634 	/**
2635 	The strength of the subsurface scattering effect.
2636 	*/
2637 	@property double subsurfScatterStrength()
2638 	{
2639 		return getSubsurfaceScatteringStrength();
2640 	}
2641 	/// ditto
2642 	@property void subsurfScatterStrength(double v)
2643 	{
2644 		setSubsurfaceScatteringStrength(v);
2645 	}
2646 	/**
2647 	Texture used to control the subsurface scattering strength. Stored in the red texture channel. Multiplied by $(D subsurfScatterStrength).
2648 	*/
2649 	@property Texture subsurfScatterTexture()
2650 	{
2651 		return getTexture(10);
2652 	}
2653 	/// ditto
2654 	@property void subsurfScatterTexture(Texture v)
2655 	{
2656 		setTexture(10, v);
2657 	}
2658 	/**
2659 	The color used by the transmission effect. Represents the light passing through an object.
2660 	*/
2661 	@property Color transmission()
2662 	{
2663 		return getTransmission();
2664 	}
2665 	/// ditto
2666 	@property void transmission(Color v)
2667 	{
2668 		setTransmission(v);
2669 	}
2670 	/**
2671 	If `true`, the transmission effect is enabled.
2672 	*/
2673 	@property bool transmissionEnabled()
2674 	{
2675 		return getFeature(9);
2676 	}
2677 	/// ditto
2678 	@property void transmissionEnabled(bool v)
2679 	{
2680 		setFeature(9, v);
2681 	}
2682 	/**
2683 	Texture used to control the transmission effect per-pixel. Added to $(D transmission).
2684 	*/
2685 	@property Texture transmissionTexture()
2686 	{
2687 		return getTexture(11);
2688 	}
2689 	/// ditto
2690 	@property void transmissionTexture(Texture v)
2691 	{
2692 		setTexture(11, v);
2693 	}
2694 	/**
2695 	How much to offset the `UV` coordinates. This amount will be added to `UV` in the vertex function. This can be used to offset a texture.
2696 	*/
2697 	@property Vector3 uv1Offset()
2698 	{
2699 		return getUv1Offset();
2700 	}
2701 	/// ditto
2702 	@property void uv1Offset(Vector3 v)
2703 	{
2704 		setUv1Offset(v);
2705 	}
2706 	/**
2707 	How much to scale the `UV` coordinates. This is multiplied by `UV` in the vertex function.
2708 	*/
2709 	@property Vector3 uv1Scale()
2710 	{
2711 		return getUv1Scale();
2712 	}
2713 	/// ditto
2714 	@property void uv1Scale(Vector3 v)
2715 	{
2716 		setUv1Scale(v);
2717 	}
2718 	/**
2719 	If `true`, instead of using `UV` textures will use a triplanar texture lookup to determine how to apply textures. Triplanar uses the orientation of the object's surface to blend between texture coordinates. It reads from the source texture 3 times, once for each axis and then blends between the results based on how closely the pixel aligns with each axis. This is often used for natural features to get a realistic blend of materials. Because triplanar texturing requires many more texture reads per-pixel it is much slower than normal UV texturing. Additionally, because it is blending the texture between the three axes, it is unsuitable when you are trying to achieve crisp texturing.
2720 	*/
2721 	@property bool uv1Triplanar()
2722 	{
2723 		return getFlag(8);
2724 	}
2725 	/// ditto
2726 	@property void uv1Triplanar(bool v)
2727 	{
2728 		setFlag(8, v);
2729 	}
2730 	/**
2731 	A lower number blends the texture more softly while a higher number blends the texture more sharply.
2732 	*/
2733 	@property double uv1TriplanarSharpness()
2734 	{
2735 		return getUv1TriplanarBlendSharpness();
2736 	}
2737 	/// ditto
2738 	@property void uv1TriplanarSharpness(double v)
2739 	{
2740 		setUv1TriplanarBlendSharpness(v);
2741 	}
2742 	/**
2743 	How much to offset the `UV2` coordinates. This amount will be added to `UV2` in the vertex function. This can be used to offset a texture.
2744 	*/
2745 	@property Vector3 uv2Offset()
2746 	{
2747 		return getUv2Offset();
2748 	}
2749 	/// ditto
2750 	@property void uv2Offset(Vector3 v)
2751 	{
2752 		setUv2Offset(v);
2753 	}
2754 	/**
2755 	How much to scale the `UV2` coordinates. This is multiplied by `UV2` in the vertex function.
2756 	*/
2757 	@property Vector3 uv2Scale()
2758 	{
2759 		return getUv2Scale();
2760 	}
2761 	/// ditto
2762 	@property void uv2Scale(Vector3 v)
2763 	{
2764 		setUv2Scale(v);
2765 	}
2766 	/**
2767 	If `true`, instead of using `UV2` textures will use a triplanar texture lookup to determine how to apply textures. Triplanar uses the orientation of the object's surface to blend between texture coordinates. It reads from the source texture 3 times, once for each axis and then blends between the results based on how closely the pixel aligns with each axis. This is often used for natural features to get a realistic blend of materials. Because triplanar texturing requires many more texture reads per-pixel it is much slower than normal UV texturing. Additionally, because it is blending the texture between the three axes, it is unsuitable when you are trying to achieve crisp texturing.
2768 	*/
2769 	@property bool uv2Triplanar()
2770 	{
2771 		return getFlag(9);
2772 	}
2773 	/// ditto
2774 	@property void uv2Triplanar(bool v)
2775 	{
2776 		setFlag(9, v);
2777 	}
2778 	/**
2779 	A lower number blends the texture more softly while a higher number blends the texture more sharply.
2780 	*/
2781 	@property double uv2TriplanarSharpness()
2782 	{
2783 		return getUv2TriplanarBlendSharpness();
2784 	}
2785 	/// ditto
2786 	@property void uv2TriplanarSharpness(double v)
2787 	{
2788 		setUv2TriplanarBlendSharpness(v);
2789 	}
2790 	/**
2791 	If `true`, the model's vertex colors are processed as sRGB mode.
2792 	*/
2793 	@property bool vertexColorIsSrgb()
2794 	{
2795 		return getFlag(4);
2796 	}
2797 	/// ditto
2798 	@property void vertexColorIsSrgb(bool v)
2799 	{
2800 		setFlag(4, v);
2801 	}
2802 	/**
2803 	If `true`, the vertex color is used as albedo color.
2804 	*/
2805 	@property bool vertexColorUseAsAlbedo()
2806 	{
2807 		return getFlag(3);
2808 	}
2809 	/// ditto
2810 	@property void vertexColorUseAsAlbedo(bool v)
2811 	{
2812 		setFlag(3, v);
2813 	}
2814 }