
PacketPeer implementation using the url= library.

A PacketPeer implementation that should be passed to SceneTree.networkPeer after being initialized as either a client or server. Events can then be handled by connecting to SceneTree signals. ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). Note: ENet only uses UDP, not TCP. When forwarding the server port to make your server accessible on the public Internet, you only need to forward the server port in UDP. You can use the UPNP class to try to forward the server port automatically when starting the server.

struct NetworkedMultiplayerENet {}



alias BaseClasses = AliasSeq!(typeof(_GODOT_base), typeof(_GODOT_base).BaseClasses)
Undocumented in source.


enum CompressionMode
enum Constants


void closeConnection(long wait_usec)

Closes the connection. Ignored if no connection is currently established. If this is a server it tries to notify all clients before forcibly disconnecting them. If this is a client it simply closes the connection to the server.

GodotError createClient(String address, long port, long in_bandwidth, long out_bandwidth, long client_port)

Create client that connects to a server at address using specified port. The given address needs to be either a fully qualified domain name (e.g. "") or an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format (e.g. ""). The port is the port the server is listening on. The in_bandwidth and out_bandwidth parameters can be used to limit the incoming and outgoing bandwidth to the given number of bytes per second. The default of 0 means unlimited bandwidth. Note that ENet will strategically drop packets on specific sides of a connection between peers to ensure the peer's bandwidth is not overwhelmed. The bandwidth parameters also determine the window size of a connection which limits the amount of reliable packets that may be in transit at any given time. Returns constant OK if a client was created, constant ERR_ALREADY_IN_USE if this NetworkedMultiplayerENet instance already has an open connection (in which case you need to call closeConnection first) or constant ERR_CANT_CREATE if the client could not be created. If client_port is specified, the client will also listen to the given port; this is useful for some NAT traversal techniques.

GodotError createServer(long port, long max_clients, long in_bandwidth, long out_bandwidth)

Create server that listens to connections via port. The port needs to be an available, unused port between 0 and 65535. Note that ports below 1024 are privileged and may require elevated permissions depending on the platform. To change the interface the server listens on, use setBindIp. The default IP is the wildcard "*", which listens on all available interfaces. max_clients is the maximum number of clients that are allowed at once, any number up to 4095 may be used, although the achievable number of simultaneous clients may be far lower and depends on the application. For additional details on the bandwidth parameters, see createClient. Returns constant OK if a server was created, constant ERR_ALREADY_IN_USE if this NetworkedMultiplayerENet instance already has an open connection (in which case you need to call closeConnection first) or constant ERR_CANT_CREATE if the server could not be created.

void disconnectPeer(long id, bool now)

Disconnect the given peer. If "now" is set to true, the connection will be closed immediately without flushing queued messages.

long getChannelCount()
NetworkedMultiplayerENet.CompressionMode getCompressionMode()
long getLastPacketChannel()

Returns the channel of the last packet fetched via PacketPeer.getPacket.

long getPacketChannel()

Returns the channel of the next packet that will be retrieved via PacketPeer.getPacket.

String getPeerAddress(long id)

Returns the IP address of the given peer.

long getPeerPort(long id)

Returns the remote port of the given peer.

long getTransferChannel()
bool isAlwaysOrdered()
bool isDtlsEnabled()
bool isDtlsVerifyEnabled()
bool isServerRelayEnabled()
typeof(null) opAssign(typeof(null) n)
bool opEquals(NetworkedMultiplayerENet other)
bool opEquals(typeof(null) n)
void setAlwaysOrdered(bool ordered)
void setBindIp(String ip)

The IP used when creating a server. This is set to the wildcard "*" by default, which binds to all available interfaces. The given IP needs to be in IPv4 or IPv6 address format, for example: "".

void setChannelCount(long channels)
void setCompressionMode(long mode)
void setDtlsCertificate(X509Certificate certificate)

Configure the X509Certificate to use when useDtls is true. For servers, you must also setup the CryptoKey via setDtlsKey.

void setDtlsEnabled(bool enabled)
void setDtlsKey(CryptoKey key)

Configure the CryptoKey to use when useDtls is true. Remember to also call setDtlsCertificate to setup your X509Certificate.

void setDtlsVerifyEnabled(bool enabled)
void setPeerTimeout(long id, long timeout_limit, long timeout_min, long timeout_max)

Sets the timeout parameters for a peer. The timeout parameters control how and when a peer will timeout from a failure to acknowledge reliable traffic. Timeout values are expressed in milliseconds. The timeout_limit is a factor that, multiplied by a value based on the average round trip time, will determine the timeout limit for a reliable packet. When that limit is reached, the timeout will be doubled, and the peer will be disconnected if that limit has reached timeout_min. The timeout_max parameter, on the other hand, defines a fixed timeout for which any packet must be acknowledged or the peer will be dropped.

void setServerRelayEnabled(bool enabled)
void setTransferChannel(long channel)
size_t toHash()


mixin baseCasts
Undocumented in source.


bool alwaysOrdered [@property getter]
bool alwaysOrdered [@property setter]

Enforce ordered packets when using constant NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.TRANSFER_MODE_UNRELIABLE (thus behaving similarly to constant NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.TRANSFER_MODE_UNRELIABLE_ORDERED). This is the only way to use ordering with the RPC system.

long channelCount [@property getter]
long channelCount [@property setter]

The number of channels to be used by ENet. Channels are used to separate different kinds of data. In reliable or ordered mode, for example, the packet delivery order is ensured on a per-channel basis. This is done to combat latency and reduces ordering restrictions on packets. The delivery status of a packet in one channel won't stall the delivery of other packets in another channel.

NetworkedMultiplayerENet.CompressionMode compressionMode [@property getter]
long compressionMode [@property setter]

The compression method used for network packets. These have different tradeoffs of compression speed versus bandwidth, you may need to test which one works best for your use case if you use compression at all.

bool dtlsVerify [@property getter]
bool dtlsVerify [@property setter]

Enable or disable certificate verification when useDtls true.

bool serverRelay [@property getter]
bool serverRelay [@property setter]

Enable or disable the server feature that notifies clients of other peers' connection/disconnection, and relays messages between them. When this option is false, clients won't be automatically notified of other peers and won't be able to send them packets through the server.

long transferChannel [@property getter]
long transferChannel [@property setter]

Set the default channel to be used to transfer data. By default, this value is -1 which means that ENet will only use 2 channels: one for reliable packets, and one for unreliable packets. The channel 0 is reserved and cannot be used. Setting this member to any value between 0 and channelCount (excluded) will force ENet to use that channel for sending data. See channelCount for more information about ENet channels.

bool useDtls [@property getter]
bool useDtls [@property setter]

When enabled, the client or server created by this peer, will use PacketPeerDTLS instead of raw UDP sockets for communicating with the remote peer. This will make the communication encrypted with DTLS at the cost of higher resource usage and potentially larger packet size. Note: When creating a DTLS server, make sure you setup the key/certificate pair via setDtlsKey and setDtlsCertificate. For DTLS clients, have a look at the dtlsVerify option, and configure the certificate accordingly via setDtlsCertificate.

Static functions

NetworkedMultiplayerENet _new()

Construct a new instance of NetworkedMultiplayerENet. Note: use memnew!NetworkedMultiplayerENet instead.

Static variables

bool _classBindingInitialized;
Undocumented in source.


struct GDNativeClassBinding
Undocumented in source.


union __anonymous
Undocumented in source.


enum string _GODOT_internal_name;
Undocumented in source.

Mixed In Members

From mixin baseCasts

inout(To) as()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
inout(To) as()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
inout(ToRef) as()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
template opCast(To)
Undocumented in source.
template opCast(To)
Undocumented in source.
template opCast(ToRef)
Undocumented in source.
void* opCast()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
godot_object opCast()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
bool opCast()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
